The Government wants to insist on the privatization of Airlines, the Post Office and RTA | Despite what was negotiated with the “dialogue” senators

The Government wants to insist on the privatization of Airlines, the Post Office and RTA | Despite what was negotiated with the “dialogue” senators
The Government wants to insist on the privatization of Airlines, the Post Office and RTA | Despite what was negotiated with the “dialogue” senators

The government of Javier Milei anticipated that will advance in any way with the sale of state companies that yesterday were excluded from the list of privatizations negotiated with opposition senators, to obtain approval of the Bases Law.

“We are going to insist on the privatizations of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Correo Argentino and etc.,” the Chief of Staff pointed out, Guillermo Francoshours after having agreed otherwise in the National Congress.

The statement of the head of ministers demonstrates the disloyalty of the Government towards the dialogue sectors with which it agreed concessions and changes in the aforementioned omnibus law.

Francos clarified that although these companies were left out of the list of privatizations included in the Bases Law, The ruling party will try to sell them in other ways in whole or in part.

“It is one thing that privatizations have not been approved in this law”but that does not mean that it cannot be “present concrete projects on concession or privatization proposals”explained the official in dialogue with Radio Miter.

The privatization maneuver will, then, be through new projects who will try to gain the support of political partners and possible allies in the provinces.

Argentine Airlines, Argentine Mail, Argentine Radio and Television State Society They were the state ones that La Libertad Avanza resigned from the list of companies to sell. In this way, those that will be privatized or concessioned by the Base Law will be AYSA, Intercargo, Corredores Viales, Belgrano Cargas, SOFSE and Energía Argentina.

“There were things left along the way that we will try to recover in Deputies”

But this will not be the only issue on which the Government will try to recover ground. As the law will return to Deputies to definitively close the changes included in the text approved last night, Francos anticipated that the idea is also to recover ground.

“There were things left along the way that we will try to recover in Deputies when the project returns there”stressed the Chief of Staff and cited as an example “Personal earnings and assets”.

Both taxes were also bargaining chips with provincial senators. Especially with the Patagonians, who denied their vote in favor until the government apparently relented.

According to Francos, when the return of the Income Tax for workers who had been excluded from that payment was voted on in Deputies, “There were legislators who were convinced of what they were doing”.

Francos will appeal again to that will, who denied that the Base Law is a “dismantled law.”

To do this, he anticipated, he will negotiate again in Deputies. “I am a person of dialogue who wants to buildbut to be able to do it together we have to let go of ideological positions with the desire to destroy everything,” he asserted.

For this reason and despite the modifications, Francos maintained that the sanction of the law “is still an impressive triumph” for the government of Javier Milei. “It is true that this law does not solve all of Argentina’s problems, but it is a tool that will allow us to advance on pending issues”he admitted.

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