ILE presented protection in favor of the decriminalization of abortion in SLP

The Justice and Government commissions promoted that the appeal be voted on in plenary; PVEM and PT lean in favor

By: Bernardo Vera

The Justice and Government Commissions of the Congress of the State of San Luis Potosí unanimously approved the opinion so that next week the pardon request for Sanjuana Maldonado Amaya will be voted onheld in the Xolol prison, in the municipality of Tancanhuitz for 15 years.

Within the discussion it was determined that the figure to be granted is that of pardon by grace, for which His release would be carried out once the opinion is published in the Official State Newspaper; nevertheless, The charges against Sanjuana will not disappear, since the local Legislature is not a prosecutorial entity or imparter of justice, and does not intend to override the decisions of the other powers. Therefore, with this figure, Sanjuana Maldonado could leave prison and reintegrate into society without causing any damage to it.

The deputies will vote in a plenary session if they decide to grant the release of Sanjuana Maldonado, for which A simple majority is required (that is, half of the deputies plus one).

Jose Luis Fernández Martínez, local deputy and president of the Interior Commission, in that sense said that His vote and that of the members of the parliamentary group of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), as well as the Labor Party (PT), will be in favor of granting him a pardon. at the next ordinary session.


He added that despite not speaking for all the deputies, we will have to wait for the discussion of the opinion, but since it was approved unanimously this afternoon, There is great consensus to grant this figure to Sanjuana.


“My vote is going to be in favor and I understand that those of the parliamentary group of the Green Party and the Labor Party will go in that same direction. I cannot compromise the vote of my other colleagues, but the coordinator of the parliamentary group of Morena, of National Action, of the PRI, members of the Labor Party, was present in the session. I see that there is great support for this opinion”, he noted.

At the meeting were the deputies of the Justice commission (Juan Francisco Aguilar Hernández, Edmundo Azael Torrescano Medina, Cuauhtli Fernando Badillo Moreno, Cecilia Senllace Ochoa Limón, Rubén Guajardo Barrera and Martha Patricia Aradillas Aradillas), and of the Interior (José Luis Fernández Martínez , María Claudia Tristán Alvarado, Alejandro Leal Tovías). In addition to the deputy Emma Idalia Saldaña Guerrero, member of the Human Rights, Equality and Gender commission, as well as members of the “Perteneces” association, who have promoted the request for pardon.

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