The destinations that tourists prefer during their mid-year vacations in Colombia: find out which ones they are

The destinations that tourists prefer during their mid-year vacations in Colombia: find out which ones they are
The destinations that tourists prefer during their mid-year vacations in Colombia: find out which ones they are

According to a study carried out by Anato, the five national destinations most welcomed by Colombian tourists for the mid-year holiday season include Cartagena, Santa Marta, Bogotá, Medellín and the Coffee Region – credit Kayak

The arrival of the mid-year holiday season is one of the most anticipated by Colombians, since many families have been planning trips to national and international destinations months before.

However, with the passing of the years and the influence of various eventualities that have affected the tourism sector, travel dynamics have experienced certain alterations. Despite this, this season continues to be an essential driver for tourism, according to the Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (Anato).

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“A few days before the mid-year season begins, according to a survey conducted with our Anato Travel Agencies, they report a 17% growth in their package sales, compared to the same time in 2023.which confirms the continued relevance of these times for Colombians,” explained Paula Cortés Calle, executive president of Anato, in a statement.

According to a study conducted by Anato, the five most popular national destinations among Colombian tourists for the mid-year holiday season include Cartagena, Santa Marta, Bogotá, Medellín and the Coffee Region. In addition, new places such as Cerros de Mavecure (Guainía), Caño Cristales (Meta) and Palomino (La Guajira) have begun to capture the attention of travelers.

The Anato study highlights that the main visitors from abroad who chose Colombia as their destination for this season are from the United States, Spain, Argentina, Brazil and Italy – credit Anato

Regarding incoming tourism, the association’s study highlights that the main visitors from abroad who have chosen Colombia as a destination for this season are from the United States, Spain, Argentina, Brazil and Italy. On the other hand, The countries that Colombians have chosen for the same purpose are Spain, the United States, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and France, which reflects a notable interest in the regions of Europe, North America and the Caribbean.

“Although the sales of the Agencies have reported growth, these have not been sufficient to reconnect the employed personnel that the companies previously had and to continue promoting the recomposition of the business fabric. For this reason, we insist on the importance of having incentives from the national government that promote travel within and outside the country,” said the Anato board.

The spending generated by tourists on goods and services within the country benefits the different subsectors of the travel industry and, therefore, stimulates the economy of the regions, contributes to job creation and improves the quality of life of the regions. populations.

According to the executive president of the Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (Anato), Paula Cortés Calle, “work must be done to invest in infrastructure and improve air and land connectivity. In addition, the professionalization of businesspeople is crucial, including mastery of at least a second language, since this makes the country more competitive by offering personalized and satisfactory experiences for travelers.”

The spending generated by tourists on goods and services within the country benefits the different subsectors of the travel industry – credit Illustrative Image Infobae

And, according to figures from the Bank of the Republic, during the first quarter of 2024, USD 2,536 million in foreign currency came in from tourism, which meant an increase of 19% compared to the same period in 2023, when the figure reached USD 2,131 million. . Likewise, the average expenditure per non-resident visitor reported an increase of 11%, going from USD 1,426 in the first three months of last year to USD 1,577 million for the same period in 2024.

According to Cortés Calle, the professionalization and training of actors in the sector are vital to improve this performance. “Anato has always shown its commitment to the professionalization of tourism actors through the generation of digital training platforms such as Anato Capacita, and training spaces such as the National Congress of Travel Agencies and the National Meeting of Receptive Tourism. These scenarios provide tools to entrepreneurs to strengthen and develop concepts and face the challenges of the current market.“explained the union leader.

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