The former Secretary of Human Rights put together a list to “mark” the senators who voted for the Bases Law and responded to him

The former Secretary of Human Rights put together a list to “mark” the senators who voted for the Bases Law and responded to him
The former Secretary of Human Rights put together a list to “mark” the senators who voted for the Bases Law and responded to him


The Secretary of Human Rights during the presidency of Alberto Fernández, Horacio Pietragalla Cortimade a list on the social network x with the names of the “own” senators who voted in favor of the Bases Law in general or the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) in particular. HE It is about Carolina Moisés, Sandra Mendoza, Guillermo Eduardo Andrada, Edgardo Kueider and Carlos Mauricio Espínola, all legislators who emerged from Peronism.

“Since in my country there are many people who put the greatest heritage that a human being has, their own life, at the disposal of a better society, It is important to know who the senators are who came in the name of Peronism and sold themselves for 4 pesos and 50. Let’s go one by one, I followed the thread and let’s start with the ‘own’, the former official introduced in a publication on the platform run by South African tycoon Elon Musk.

Pietragalla began with Moisés from Jujuy, who would respond later in x. “The Senator from the Frente de Todos boasted of not supporting the Base Law, but voted in favor of the RIGI, which conditions us for 30 years to be a quasi-colonial homeland”, he reproached him. She also disclosed a flyer with the opposition senator next to the legend “La Caro says no to the Bases Law.” Then it was Mendoza’s turn, whom he also criticized for supporting the Large Investment Incentive Regime.

“Another of the Senators is Guillermo Eduardo Andrada, who represents the province of Catamarca, he also accompanied the RIGI,” he added in order to also expose the actions of the Catamarca legislator. In the last two spaces on the list were Kueider and Espínola, who had already been “marked” indirectly by the former vice president. Cristina Kirchner by replicating a post that criticized both for supporting the ruling party in the approval of the regulatory project.

“Edgardo Kueider, senator for the province of Entre Ríos, supported the Base Law. He came for Peronism and votes like liberalism… And another Senator who stood on the podium and this time it was not to receive a medal, Carlos Mauricio Espínola accompanied the Bases law as a ‘Peronist’. Regrettable”, concluded the former Secretary of Human Rights.

Four hours after the thread was published on the same social network, the Jujeña senator came out to cross the path of the former national deputy on two occasions. “Horacio the mentally colonized is you. “I represent the people of Jujuy who want stable work, those who want to stop being planners, those who are waiting for us to listen to them to give them the tools they need to have a decent life,” he said and thus defended himself against the accusations of Pietragalla.

“4 and 50? Your friend/enemy logic makes you come out with an unfounded grievance to get me dirty. It’s from machirulos, and in Jujuy I have several. We may think differently, but that does not call into question my honesty and my belonging. I regret that instead of valuing the effort to save Airlines, the Post Office, Public TV, and the task to defend organizations like Conicet, INTA, INCAA, you choose to attack colleagues who were elected and represent our people,” he concluded. .

Kueider also did the same and defended himself against the grievances but without using names. “I am a Peronist, but before that, I am from Entre Ríos and I want the best for the province that I represent. That is why I supported the National Government Law with modifications and exclusions in all its chapters,” he reaffirmed.

“None of the issues that made up the slogans of a sector that has been feeding the friend-enemy logic for years were included in the text. And those that remained, I voted against. Thinking differently and dissent are words that have not existed in the vocabulary of the political sector from which I distanced myself for a long time,” he said.

“Now that the president has his law, he will not be able to say that Congress does not allow him to govern; He must take responsibility for his own mistakes or successes. The Homeland is the people, it is to them that I owe my loyalty, always“, closed the senator who is part of the Federal Unity bloc, led by Espínola.


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