“Cryptoterrestrials”: researchers believe there is a hidden civilization on Earth

In a twist that seems more typical of a science fiction novel than scientific reality, a new study proposes the “ultraterrestrial” hypothesis to explain the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)better known as UFOs.

These phenomena, which have traditionally been attributed to advanced technologies of human origin or to the interventions of extraterrestrial civilizations, are now under the scrutiny of much more extravagant theories due to their enigmatic nature.

Researchers from Montana Technological University and the Harvard Human Development Program have launched this proposal, not yet supported by peer review, suggesting that the sightings could be the work of intelligent and technologically advanced beings, known as “cryptoterrestrials“.

These beings would be hidden on our planet, using underground structures on Earth and the Moon as secret bases, or even walking among us disguised as humans.

The hypothesis, presented in an article soon to be published in the journal Philosophy and Cosmology, proposes several fascinating theories for those who allow themselves to give free rein to their imagination.

Human cryptoterrestrials

One possibility is that a remnant form of an ancient and highly advanced human civilization continues to exist in hidden form. As cited in the study, Hal Puthoff, a leading researcher in this field, describes these possible entities as “hidden Earth cultures” that coexist with us in secret, observing us.

This category includes subhypotheses such as the interdimensional hypothesis and that of cryptoterrestrial hominids or theropods.

Interdimensional hypothesis

The interdimensional hypothesis suggests that UAPs could be beings from dimensions that coexist with our own, or even time travelers visiting different periods of Earth’s history. This theory proposes that UAPs could be our descendants by studying their evolutionary past.

Cryptoterrestrial hominids or theropods

On the other hand, the hominid or theropod cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, which is the main focus of this study, postulates that UAPs could be non-human intelligence activities, possibly descendants of “intelligent dinosaurs”, hidden on Earth in underground structures or in environments hidden.

Ancient aliens and magical cryptoterrestrials

Finally, it is proposed that these hidden occupants of Earth could have arrived from another planet or time period, or that these unknown beings could be “less technological than magical,” compared to “terrestrial angels” by researchers.

“Entities that look less like aliens and more like earthly angels, who relate to the human-inhabited world in ways that (at least from our current perspective) are less technological than magical, and which in European languages ​​are known with names like fairies, elves, nymphs,” the study reads.

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The study, although lacking in concrete evidence, mentions UFO sightings near volcanoes or under the ocean, which could be access to these underground bases. Included is the 1987 report of an unidentified underwater object that followed a New Zealand frigate at incredible speed, adding weight to the theory of underwater bases.

Growing interest in UFOs

Interest in UFO sightings has increased considerably in the last decade. It reached a fever pitch when David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer, testified before Congress that the U.S. had been recovering extraterrestrial craft for decades.

Even NASA has invited researchers to study these mysterious objects, although so far no evidence of extraterrestrial life has been found.

Controversial Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, although not involved in this study, has raised similar hypotheses, suggesting that the Moon could be a base for these entities. According to Loeb, ancient civilizations could have lived on “planets like Mars or Earth” billions of years ago without being aware of each other.

Experts advocate not discarding their hypothesis

Despite the lack of solid evidence and the skepticism it may generate, the authors advocate an open mind and epistemic humility when considering these “implausible” theories, as they themselves describe.

Thus, they emphasize the importance of not ruling out any possibility given the strangeness of UAPs, arguing that even the highly improbable – the researchers themselves put the possibility of the existence of cryptoterrestrials at 10% in their study – must be considered to better understand this mystery.

See alsoUFO sightings: a report ruled out the existence of extraterrestrial elements

In that sense, they argue that the combination of these investigations could provide valuable pieces to the emerging puzzle that is humanity’s attempt to better understand this existentially important and until now largely ignored phenomenon.

“It may be exceedingly unlikely, but we hope that this paper has shown that it should nevertheless be taken into account when trying to understand the empirical mystery of UAP,” the researchers conclude.

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