The Polish climber who climbed a building in Puerto Madero will sign a probation and will not be able to re-enter the country

The Polish climber who climbed a building in Puerto Madero will sign a probation and will not be able to re-enter the country
The Polish climber who climbed a building in Puerto Madero will sign a probation and will not be able to re-enter the country

This was the rescue of the Polish climber in Puerto Madero

He declared this Thursday before the Buenos Aires justice system Marcin Banothe Polish influencer who climbed one of the tallest buildings in Puerto Madero this Tuesday without protection and was rescued by firefighters on the 28th floor. After the investigation, the man who had been arrested for the crime of trespassing made an agreement to be released: I couldn’t enter the country.

Banot was questioned this Thursday by the prosecutor Alejandro Pellicoriwho is carrying out the accusation against him after the East Flagrancy Unit of the Buenos Aires Justice acted on the same Tuesday, requesting his arrest for a crime that foresees 6 months to two years in prison.

As confirmed by sources in the case Infobae, the official ordered the release of the Polish climber after the signing of an agreement. “On June 19, at 11, in a court hearingthat pact will be approved,” explained the sources consulted by this medium.

The probation would indicate that Banot could not return to enter the country. There would also be a series of extra conditions.

Banot will not be able to enter the country

It must be remembered that, in addition to the crime of trespassing for which Banot was arrested as soon as he was taken out of the IRSA company building; The city of Buenos Aires He demanded that the Pole pay the cost of the operation in which 30 people participated to rescue him.

It must be taken into account that Banot “He has no criminal record either here or abroad”, as this media learned. Although yes, in 2020 They arrested him in Paris for climbing a building like the one he climbed in Puerto Madero.

This is how they detained the Polish influencer who climbed a building in Puerto Madero

It was not the first time he tried to climb the IRSA company building. I had already tried it on June 6. That day, minutes after 5 p.m., the City Police had to appear at the property of Ingeniero Della Paolera at 200 because the polish influencer was climbingbut he did not reach his goal. They took it down before.

Urban climber Marcin Banot

So, This Tuesday he tried again. He reached the 28th floor, of the 30 floors of the building, and ended up imprisoned in Alcaidía 1A, located at Suipacha 1156: there he slept for two nights.

Without protection and with the Argentine National Team shirt, Banot began to climb the Puerto Madero building. Alerted by the neighbors, personnel from Neighborhood Police Station 1A immediately arrived along with a team of City and SAME Firefighters.

The man’s arrest took almost an hour. This was because the structure of the building he was climbing had glass windows that did not allow personnel to enter anywhere.

In this sense, to proceed with his rescue, the agents requested the presence of a polish translator in order to be able to communicate with the influencer, who is dedicated to making content of this style and shares it on their social networks.

The Polish climber Banot in the Puerto Madero building

They intercepted him shortly before he managed to reach the top, as part of a procedure in which personnel from the Special Horse Rescue Group and Special Federal Rescue Brigade (BEFER)who rescued and secured him.

On his Instagram account, he defines himself as Urban Climbing and is shown climbing tall buildings around the world. The videos he publishes are shared with his more than 290 thousand followers and have thousands of views.

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