Progress to improve HIV diagnoses: how the first self-test available in Argentina works

Progress to improve HIV diagnoses: how the first self-test available in Argentina works
Progress to improve HIV diagnoses: how the first self-test available in Argentina works

Every year an average of 5,300 new cases of HIV are reported in Argentina

In Argentina, it is estimated that more than 140 thousand people live with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), although approximately 13% do not know their diagnosisaccording to data from the National Ministry of Health.

An average of 5,300 new cases of HIV are reported each year in the country. One of the most difficult barriers to accessing treatment is overcoming the stigmatization and taboos that are still installed in certain areas regarding the virus, which means that many people shame either prejudices Avoid making a medical consultation.

To overcome those fears and be able to find out in privacy, home tests, Known as self-test, they allow a first diagnosis that must reconfirm with a specialist and a laboratory analysis.

The first self test to detect HIV is available for purchase by the general public in Argentina. This advance, which translates into two tests with similar characteristics, seeks facilitate early detection of HIV, with an accessible option that allows you to perform the test at home and detect the presence of the virus in privacy.

“Also, it recognizes patients as positive 1 to 14 days earlier than second-generation tests. “Several review and meta-analysis studies have shown that blood collection for HIV self-testing is more accurate compared to oral fluid (saliva) for rapid diagnostic tests,” they noted in a press release.

The latest data analyzed by the AHF Argentina organization – which provides a comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS – 38% of diagnoses in young people between 15 and 29 years old are late (Matías Arbotto)

Dr. Miguel Pedrola, Scientific Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of AHF, referred to these tests and noted: “At AHF Argentina we seek to raise awareness about the importance of accessing an early diagnosis to be able to quickly perform effective treatment. Throughout these 10 years, thanks to the prevention campaigns carried out in the country, 4,162 people living with HIV were diagnosed early, of which 95% were linked to the health system, which “It is equivalent to more than one diagnosis per day.”

The technology of these self-tests is similar to that applied in health system tests, although designed to facilitate access to anyone. Currently, there are two types available: the Panbio HIV Self Test and the CheckNOW HIV Self Test. The procedure is simple: it consists of a small finger prick To get one blood sample.

The Panbio™ HIV SELF TESTdeveloped by the Abbot laboratory, is a device that, through a rapid blood test that provides results in about 15 or 20 minutes, allows the Qualitative detection of antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2. It is a rapid, third-generation immunoassay, available over the counter and for single use. Meanwhile, the CheckNOW HIV Self Test, with a similar operation, will be distributed exclusively through NGOs.

Both tests are designed to be used by people without professional training. According to the laboratory, the autokit sensitivity is 95.1% (probability that an HIV-infected person will have a positive test result) and the specificity is 99.6% (probability that a healthy individual will have a negative test result). However, these numbers climb to 100% and 99.9% in trained users.

It is a device that, through a rapid blood test that provides results in about 15 or 20 minutes, allows the qualitative detection of antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2

As detailed, the first of the self-tests is designed for untrained users and can identify people as positive between 1 and 14 days earlier than second generation tests, allowing earlier detection and reducing transmission. Likewise, they clarified that it does not serve as a screening test prior to donating blood and highlighted that it is acquired through the web platform. mitestwhich allows it to be received at home in a packaging that does not reveal product information on the outside, or it can also be picked up in person.

On the other hand, the CheckNOW™ HIV self-test is ideal for use in HIV programs, it offers a quick and accurate solution, also obtaining results in 15 minutes and through a finger prick. With a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99.9%, it ensures reliable and accessible detection, without the need for external assistance, as detailed. Like the other test, it comes with the testing device, solution, tampon, dropper, safety lancet, alcohol pads, dressing and detailed instructions.

Given this reality, experts highlight the importance of this tool in the fight against HIV, since its easy access can help reduce the number of undiagnosed cases and, consequently, reduce the transmission of the virus. This type of test has shown positive results in other countries where it has already been implemented, improving the availability of diagnostic tests.

In Argentina more than 140,000 people live with HIV and 13% are unaware of it (Getty)

Is the negative result safe? If the test did not detect antibodies against HIV-1 or HIV-2, and if there were no risky practices in the three months prior to the result, it means that the person does not show signs of infection.

However, it is noted that, if the person who performs the self-test “had any risky behavior or if suspicion of HIV infection persists” and the result is Negative/Non-reactiveyou may be in a immune windowand they recommend retaking the exam after 6 weeks.

Therefore, it is worth clarifying that the test is not useful for detecting possible HIV infection immediately after having a risky sexual relationship. According to the National Ministry of Healththe window period is the time between infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies. During this period, the test may be negative, even if the person is infected.

It generally takes between 2 and 8 weeks for the human body to develop detectable antibodies, and almost all people have them within 3 months of risky practice. During the window period, the person could transmit the infection, so it is recommended to take extreme preventive measures and use condom in sexual relations. To rule out infection, the HIV test should be repeated after three months.

Mortality from HIV-related pathologies has decreased significantly in the last decade, reaching a rate of 2.8 per 100,000 inhabitants (Gettyimages)

If the result is indeterminate, It means that the control line of the test has not worked, so it is not possible to interpret it correctly. In that case, the person must repeat the test with another kit or at a health or community center, since it cannot be considered negative. This can occur due to contamination of the test, poor handling or conservation of the kit.

What does a positive result mean? Indicates that antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2 were detected, and confirmation by laboratory tests is recommended specific, and does not necessarily mean that the person is infected with HIV. Therefore, it is essential to go to a health center to perform confirmatory laboratory tests and, if necessary, receive medical advice on the state of health.

The main route of HIV transmission in Argentina is unprotected sexual relations, which represent 99% of cases. In cis men, 66% become infected during sexual practices with other men, while 32% do so during sexual relations with women.

The rate of deaths due to pathologies associated with HIV has shown a significant decrease in the last decade, since it stood at 2.8 per 100 thousand inhabitants in 2021.

HIV in Argentina is concentrated in certain key groups that have prevalences higher than the national average. Among these, trans women, men who have sex with other men and sex workers stand out.

In addition, according to the health portfolio, an average of 5,300 new cases of HIV are reported each year in the country. Of these, 68.4% are cis men (born as a man and who identify with that gender), with a median age of 32 years, while cis women (born with female sexual organs who identify as such) represent the 30.4% of cases, with a median age of 35 years.

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