Rector recognizes the state government for supporting the finances of the UASLP – La Jornada San Luis

Rector recognizes the state government for supporting the finances of the UASLP – La Jornada San Luis
Rector recognizes the state government for supporting the finances of the UASLP – La Jornada San Luis

The rector of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP), Alejandro Zermeño Guerra, recognized the support of the State Government headed by Ricardo Gallardo Cardona and the Ministry of Finance (Sefin) and its head, Omar Valadez Macías, for the actions to improve the finances of the educational institution and in favor of the university students of Potosí.

Zermeño Guerra highlighted that both the Governor and the head of the Sefin have held meetings with officials of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the Coordination Unit with Federal Entities (UCEF), of the Ministry of Finance Public Credit (SHCP) where An agreement was reached to reduce the interest on a tax credit that the UASLP has with the National Water Commission (Conagua) that exceeds 52 million pesos, in addition to achieving financial conditions that allow progress in payment.

In this regard, the head of Sefin, Omar Valadez, mentioned that the tax credit dates back to 2007 and initially the amount was 500 thousand pesos, however, due to the lack of commitment from authorities from previous administrations of the damned inheritance and of the Educational Institution, said credit reaches more than 52 million, to the detriment of the educational institution.

The head of Sefin stressed that they have met with authorities from both Conagua, SAT and UCEF, where they are looking for schemes that will allow the University’s debt to be cleaned up, since it is Governor Ricardo Gallardo’s priority to support the community. university, and by cleaning up part of the University’s finances, there will be an opportunity to provide students with better conditions of educational infrastructure in their faculties and schools.


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