There will be a tribute to Güemes in the eastern part of the city – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

There will be a tribute to Güemes in the eastern part of the city – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
There will be a tribute to Güemes in the eastern part of the city – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Within the framework of the activities carried out in the city to honor the Gaucho Hero, the Municipality accompanies the residents of the Eastern area who organized to highlight the monolith located on Av. Delgadillo and Asunción.

He remembers the rest that General Martin Miguel de Güemes had, wounded by a bullet, on June 7, 1821, before leaving for the Quebrada de la Horqueta where he finally died at the age of 36.

The activity will be this Sunday, June 16, starting at 6:00 p.m. It will begin with a torch walk, which will start from the sports beach in the El Portal neighborhood and will go to the Monument to “Los Gauchos.”

Then the teacher and researcher Miguel Angel Caceres will give a reference about the place and the tree where it rested Martin Miguel de Guemes.

Next, a plaque discovery will be made on the monolith that was valued.

Sebastian Ibanezdirector of the CIC of Constitución, highlighted the organization of the neighborhood community that seeks to honor the memory and install the monolith as a fundamental part of history.

For its part, Alejandro Paradaneighbor and member of the Eastern Zone Participatory Table, explained that the day will conclude with a bonfire to which all residents of the 32 neighborhoods in the area are invited.

Güemes singers

The Municipality of Salta, through the Active Culture Agency, accompanies this great meeting of musicians and singers from Salta in tribute to General Martín Miguel de Güemes.

It will take place on June 15, 16 and 17, from 8 p.m. to midnight, at the Museum Instrumentos located at Av. Vicente López 359.

The proposal will include the participation of historians and people who will share with the present anecdotes about General Güemes.

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