This is voiceover: Lisi Fracchia’s bracelets and another photo to remember

This week the photo of Queen Máxima with a bracelet from Cipoleña Lisi Fracchia went viral. But well-informed sources say that there is another photo to remember, with another gem from the sought-after regional designer and with another Rio Negro as the protagonist. This is the image released in July 2021 by Senator Silvina García Larraburu, after having given a bracelet to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, declaring that “walking by your side gives us the strength we need.”

The Solomonic gesture of the mayor

Anger persists within JSRN over the approach of Allen’s mayor, Marcelo Román, to La Libertad Avanza. The communal head of the UCR knows this and that is why he issues some signs of detente. The most recent is the new Anses space within the municipality, achieved thanks to the harmony with the libertarian deputy, Lorena Villaverde.
Beyond public gratitude for the Mileista leader, Román decided not to remove the institutional photo of the governor, Alberto Weretilneck, from the walls. A small gesture, to try to calm things down.

The councilors who voted against his project

The whirlwind of politics was too much for a group of Allen councilors. Weeks ago, members of the local ruling party presented a project to support the provincialization of Route 22. But in this Thursday’s session, with Mayor Marcelo Román already in tune with La Libertad Avanza, which resists this transfer, the same councilors Valeria Bezic, Antonio Sepulveda and Analia Martinez voted against their own initiative. Recalculating…

An opposition legislator on behalf of the government?

It is nothing new that the governor is looking for allies within the opposition parties. He did it with the PJ and the UCR in 2023 for the Great Agreement and continued practicing it after taking office, exploring affinities with legislators outside of JSRN.
But the strategies are changing. He first received members of the CC-ARI in his office, whom he also later invited to deliver deeds in Roca. And now he gave up spaces on the board of the Provincial Institute of Public Administration. It was already known that he had reserved a place in that body for the Peronist Pedro Dantas and this week it was revealed with the publication of Decree 472 that the representative of Primero Río Negro, Elba Yolanda Mansilla, will also go to IPAP. The strange thing is that she will serve “as a representative of the Executive Branch.” What is also clarified is that she will be an ad honorem role.

Libertarian anger against the lieutenant governor

In the self-proclaimed LLA bench it is warned that its recognition will not be possible and the anger falls on the vice-governor Pedro Pesatti, who – according to what they say – promised this administrative opening. Next to Deputy Villaverde, libertarian legislator César Domínguez told of the message sent to Pesatti to point out that “the ban” came “from a Peronist.” Julián Goinhex, who was the manager of the Viedmense’s reported commitment, also listened restlessly.

The legislative debate that moves to the Alto Valle

The ruling party will activate the legislative discussion on the bill to open the new oil extension process, which includes 21 areas concessioned by Río Negro. The first debate is scheduled for the last week of June and will move to the Alto Valle (almost certainly in Cipolletti), with calls to the actors in the sector by the Economic Affairs and Planning Commission, led by Carlos Valeri.


Carlín, what have they turned you into!

The journalist Eduardo Dady Rubio de Zapala, as he cannot be perfect, is from Boca. They called him from the Municipal Radio to talk about the “Peña Zapala Azul y Oro”, an institution from Boca that he presides, and which recently carried out a solidarity campaign for warm clothing donated to the Zapala Hospital, while getting the Deliberative Council to baptize to a square with the name of Juan Román Riquelme. But, minutes before the interview they called him and told him that he was not going to leave because he was an opponent of the municipal government. For a journalist that is a pampering but not for a Boquense. Carlín Koopmann, what have they turned you into! If it were from River, go and pass.

From an annoying jingle it became a present body

Duhau Park Hyatt Palace, Recoleta. Presentation of the winter season. One person says to another: “Look Oli, this is Governor Rolo Figueroa.” The aforementioned is Olivia Firpo who became famous in Olga. Last April she was on the 14th floor of the Hilton on whose sidewalk, every morning she was bustling because they don’t let her put up signs and she took advantage of the traffic at that time. “The song was catchy and they didn’t know who Rolo Figueroa was.” End of jingles.

He met him after hearing the campaign jingle.

Ramón and the rhetorical station

The mayor of Cutral Co, Ramón Rioseco, was jubilant because the Legislature had declared the city the capital of monuments. The statement was taken in hand by representative Lorena Parrilli with whom she toured the dozen sculptures. In the speech at the time to Women, the message drew attention that there was no need to remain in the rhetoric of the past but rather to make and sound like a “first world city.” Wow!

Carlos’s bet

Being a vanguard in public policy in Neuquén is a pleasure that only those who have the rest, that is, money, can enjoy to endure “the rope” as Jorge Sapag said. The mayor of San Martín de los Andes, Carlos Salonitti, perhaps because of his profession as a lawyer, was the exception. He sanctioned the road tax and started collecting it. He suffered the onslaught of the city’s economic sectors (which are not weak) and the TSJ endorsed him… He who does not bet does not win.

Pablo does not forget SMEs

Deputy Pablo Cervi (JxC) was in a meeting with the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with China, where the Economic Advisor of the Chinese Embassy, ​​An Guanghi, attended. He repeated that the gas must be removed from Vaca Muerta to be taken by ship to China, which will lead the energy change and had a differential paragraph. He said that Neuquén SMEs need financing to update to help get that gas out. That’s Paul!

Oscar debuts his job as an influencer

Senator Oscar Parrilli, adept at maintaining prolonged silences in Neuquén, reappeared in Loma La Lata with a hat and coat. He said that the Loma La Lata Thermal Power Plant of Pampa Energía buys at 22 and sells at 130 dollars and that they take that profit. He said that it was not Kirchnerism’s fault because the contracts were signed by Mauricio Macri. A very educational video with all the condiments. A seven for Oscar, let it be repeated.

Production: Hugo Alonso, Adrián Pecollo and Mario Rojas.

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