Investigate and sanction “duckling” universities in SLP, asks deputy – El Sol de San Luis

Investigate and sanction “duckling” universities in SLP, asks deputy – El Sol de San Luis
Investigate and sanction “duckling” universities in SLP, asks deputy – El Sol de San Luis

Given the complaints that have arisen due to the existence of “duckling” universitiesthe secretary of the Labor and Social Welfare Commission of the LXIII Legislature, Representative Ma. Elena Ramírez Ramírez, called on the educational authorities to investigate and on parents to report to the competent authorities.

He explained that the complaints that have been made known are mainly linked to universities that operate without official registrationtherefore, they are prevented from delivering official documentation such as ID cards or titles when the young people finish their studies.

The legislator commented that “it is worrying, because I bring the school of the UASLP and it is at least five years to get out of the races; However, we have come across people who complete university in just two years, managing a scheme that for the most part lacks Official validity and the only ones harmed are the children at the time of completing their studies.”

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He considered that both parents and students should pay close attention when going to an educational institution, the first thing they should do is verify with the Directorate of Professions that they truly have the official record to avoid future deceptions. .

Representative Ma Elena Ramírez said that it is very unfortunate to hear of cases where young people complete their university studies and the institution promises to deliver their official documentation and they spend three to four years without complying.

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