Sandra Pettovello adds a trusted man of Mauricio Macri to her Cabinet

Sandra Pettovello adds a trusted man of Mauricio Macri to her Cabinet
Sandra Pettovello adds a trusted man of Mauricio Macri to her Cabinet

Sandra Pettovello decided to turn the page, after weeks of extreme tension. With this premise, the Minister of Human Capital assured that “no” he is going to resign and began to rebuild his team to alleviate the departure of several officials suffered by the Ministry of Human Capital in the midst of the crisis over the distribution of food to canteens.

In the next few hours, as they confided to Clarion unobjectionable sources of the Government, it will be specified the incorporation of a man of extreme confidence from Mauricio Macri. This is Lucas Fernández Aparicio, a leader of Malvinas Argentinas who was Secretary of Labor during the Cambiemos administration.

Also close to the former Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Dietrich, Fernández Aparicio, a lawyer specializing in public administration, will take over as Pettovello’s chief of staff, after the untimely resignation of Fernando Szereszevsky, who argued “obligations in the private sphere” in his role. as manager of the musical band “Ratones Paranoicos”, and “family issues”.

On this last point, he did not give further details, although Capital Humano reports alleged threats, which are added to intimidating calls received by lawyers Leila Gianni and Ariel Romano, representatives in the canteens case, and a strange fact surrounding to Pettovello’s home. The feeling is that the minister warned of the need to add political film to her ranks.

Fernández Aparicio, former president of Ferrocarriles Argentina Sociedad del Estado, arrives to replace Szereszevsky, with a more technical profile, has a long history as a union representative of UPCN, and was a man of influence in the formation of the PRO in the Conurbano: he is, in addition , councilor of Malvinas Argentinas and one of the party leaders in the district.

Curiously, his arrival occurs after the appointment as AFI controller of Sergio Neiffert, another leader – although from another area – of that town who knew how to work and be associated with the former mayor Jesús Cariglino.

As this newspaper was able to reconstruct, Fernández Aparicio arrived with the recommendation of the brand new Secretary of Children and Family, Yanina Nano Lembo, who was also a member of the PRO teams.

Although last year he was a pre-candidate for mayor on Horacio Rodríguez Larreta’s list, Fernández Aparicio always recognized Macri as his political leader since he joined the PRO campaign teams.

In any case, Clarin learned, the former president had nothing to do with his joining Pettovello’s teams. “Sandra has contact with (Mauricio) Macri, at Milei’s request, and of course she was aware, but she met Lucas through Yanina (Nano Lembo),” the Government indicated.

For Pettovello it represents a strong addition to his strategy to clear up speculation about his future.

“I will not resign. “I came here for my friend and I’m not going to leave my friend alone.”Pettovello said this Thursday at a libertarian summit on social networks, organized by YouTuber Matías Herrero.

“It is very difficult to move forward, but I am not going to give up. First, because I came here to help my friend, and I’m not going to leave my friend alone. And second, because I think that we all changed Argentina by removing the dirt… and I am going to continue removing it,” she reinforced.

With his appearance in public and the reassembly of a team that lost 40 officials in recent weeks, Pettovello intends to give a message of strength to the social movements that, he understands, are behind the political attacks he received, as a result of the complaints by corruption in his ministry.

But it also implies a message behind the scenes of the Government, from where rumors about his departure were fueled. Forcefully defended by the president, who considers her her best friend, Pettovello seeks to clear the air and focus on management.

Thus, while Fernández Aparicio’s arrival will be made official in the next few hours, Human Capital is evaluating what the ministry’s new organization chart will look like. Do not rule out that more leaders from other political sectors continue to join. “As the President always said, the doors are open to all those who believe in defending the ideas of freedom,” they argue.

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