Two motorcyclists captured with a weapon in Santa Marta

Two motorcyclists captured with a weapon in Santa Marta
Two motorcyclists captured with a weapon in Santa Marta

The two motorcyclists captured in a timely reaction by a Santa Marta Metropolitan Police patrol were identified as Luis Ángel Jiménez Cañas and Andrés Felipe Hernández Mendoza, which occurred this Friday afternoon in the La Paz neighborhood.

The information indicates that, at the time of being subjected to a search, the uniformed officers found in their possession a 38 caliber revolver type firearm with its ammunition of which they were able to explain its origin.

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The data also indicates that they were accused of being responsible for having used the weapon minutes before against a citizen outside the Zazué Shopping Center, located on the Troncal del Caribe highway, via Santa Marta-Ciénaga.

Given these events, those involved were taken amidst strict security measures to the headquarters of the Immediate Reaction Unit of the Magdalena Sectional Attorney General’s Office where they were left at the disposal of a competent authority where they must answer for the crime. of carrying, trafficking and manufacturing of firearms.

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On the other hand, an investigation is being carried out to determine the reasons that the detainees had for committing the alleged action against the complainant.


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