Conin denounced that Capital Humano’s powdered milk is sold in Mendoza

Conin denounced that Capital Humano’s powdered milk is sold in Mendoza
Conin denounced that Capital Humano’s powdered milk is sold in Mendoza


The Cooperator for Child Nutrition (Conin), The NGO with which the Ministry of Human Capital agreed to distribute the food retained in warehouses, reported this Friday that in Mendoza Powdered milk is sold on Facebook Marketplace, a well-known buying and selling platform. This was confirmed by the organization’s medical director, Gabriela Sabio, in dialogue with LN+.

“When we became aware of the publication, we filed a complaint, providing all the evidence so that the relevant investigations could be carried out. We deliver milk to 180 organizations. These things shouldn’t happen.”said Sabio.

Meanwhile, he explained how the organization proceeded: “Everything happened quickly. As soon as the milk arrived in Mendoza, it was delivered immediately. We signed an agreement and the merchandise was delivered to civil society organizations that have legal status and make a sworn declaration in which they agree that no sale of the product can be made and that it has to reach children.” “Our responsibility was fulfilled,” he insisted.

According to what the local portal published Sun, Conin made a presentation before the Mendoza Justice since these foods are intended for people in vulnerable situations, so their sale and marketing is prohibited. The NGO presented as evidence publications in Marketplacethe digital shopping and sales site of Facebookwhere Vivalac brand powdered and liquid milk was offered from $600 for a 400 gram unit and $1000 for a liter unit.

Another of the attached pieces of evidence shows a person Whatsapp asking for “a thousand hearts” for one of the boxes.

Sale of Vivalac milk.Courtesy: The Sun

The complaint was formalized in the Tax Office No. 6 of Las Heras for investigation of fraud to the detriment of the public administration and the investigation is already underway. The director of Conin in Mendoza, Diego Álvarez, expressed: “Some associations that presented us with a list of beneficiaries, “They would be charging those beneficiaries for the milk.” In this context, he said that in addition to the criminal complaint, the NGO will request the disqualification of those who have sold the merchandise as a dining room.

After pressure from federal Justice on the ministry led by Sandra Pettovello, the ministry agreed to distribute more than 5,000 tons of food held in warehouses in Villa Martelli and Tafí Viejo and the libertarian administration chose Conin for the operation. On the one hand, the management of Milei It intends to push aside the middlemen of many benefits, so in March it cut off the food supply in an attempt to carry out an audit. On the other hand, the leaders of the groups denounce that in the last six months the soup kitchens did not receive assistance from the Nation.

The deposit on Roca, in Villa Martelli.

Its role is to “through 64 distribution centers, its dining rooms and picnic areas, facilitate the provision of more than 465,000 kilos of powdered milk to vulnerable social sectors.”

In that sense, it was established: “The delivery of the merchandise will last two weeks, taking into account the expiration dates of the products. To guarantee fast, efficient logistics without intermediaries, the operation will have the collaboration of the Argentine Army and the Ministry of Defense.”

The head of the NGO, Diego Alvarez Riverosaid that the distribution began in the 22 centers that the institution has in the metropolitan region and in dining rooms sponsored by them. “We don’t know the details of the day and time,” Álvarez Rivero clarified in a conversation with the radio. Miter last week. And he added: “They are going to start, according to what they informed us, with the centers of the AMBAin Buenos Aires and the Federal Capital.”


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