Javier Milei will participate in the Ukraine summit in Switzerland, after his time at the G7

Javier Milei, along with the entourage that accompanies him on his European tour, He arrived in Switzerland this Saturday to participate in the international day for peace in Ukraine. It is organized by the president of that country, Volodímir Zelenski, one of those who was present at the presidential inauguration of the leader of La Libertad Avanza. Milei has just been part of the G7 summit in Italy.

The plane transporting Milei, who has just attended the G7 summit, departed from Bari at 4 (Argentine time) and after a flight of about two hours arrived in Geneva.

Once in Switzerland, the delegation, to which Chancellor Diana Mondino was going to join, headed to the city of Bürgenstock. The town located in a mountainous area is the venue chosen for the summit that will bring together several world leaders, together with Zelensky.

In Milei’s brief time at the summit, The president of Ukraine will present him with the “Order of Freedom” for his support for his country in the context of the conflict with Russia.

Javier Milei at the G7 summit

Milei has just participated in the G7 summit, held in the exclusive Borgo Egnazia complex, on the outskirts of Brindisi, in Italy, where he held conversations with the local president, Giorgia Meloni, and other leaders and important managers, such as the director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva.

In the context of the international meeting, held meetings with the senior staff of the Italian energy company Grupo ENELthe European firm is the operator of the energy distributor Edesur and the El Chocón hydroelectric dam, which operates on the Limay River.

Source: Argentine News


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