President congratulated the decision of the Council of State regarding Carlos Felipe Córdoba, but requested intelligence oversight

President congratulated the decision of the Council of State regarding Carlos Felipe Córdoba, but requested intelligence oversight
President congratulated the decision of the Council of State regarding Carlos Felipe Córdoba, but requested intelligence oversight

Gustavo Petro celebrated the decision of the State Council – credit Presidency.

President Gustavo Petro spoke out on his social networks after the decision of the Council of State to deny the aspiration of Carlos Felipe Córdoba to the position of Attorney of the Nation. Through his X account, Petro congratulated the organization for this determination, highlighting that it prevents the deterioration of the conditions to be a magistrate.

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The ruling originated after an analysis carried out by the Council of State on the possibility of homologating professional experience of people with careers other than Law to hold public positions.. The presentation, which was evaluated with three votes in favor and two against, concluded that said approval is unfeasible, thus closing Córdoba’s candidacy. This action was applauded by the president, who in X’s account expressed his support for the measure adopted by the agency’s consultation room.

It is important to highlight that the Council of State based its decision on a previous ruling by the Constitutional Court. Said court had declared unenforceable the second paragraph of article 128 of the Statutory Law of Administration of Justice, which allowed the addition of professional experience not related to Law. This legal background was crucial for the current resolution, reaffirming the need to meet the specific requirements of the profession for positions in the administration of justice.

The Council of State denied Córdoba the possibility of aspiring to be attorney general. Reference image - credit Luisa González/Reuters
The Council of State denied Córdoba the possibility of aspiring to be attorney general. Reference image – credit Luisa González/Reuters

In his message, Petro not only celebrated the decision made, he also suggested the implementation of stricter surveillance over the State intelligence bodies. In relation to this, he stated: “I propose permanent judicial and institutional oversight of the State intelligence bodies.” The president highlighted the need to establish concrete mechanisms to prevent situations of judicial persecution by these intelligence bodies from being repeated, a problem that he believes has occurred in previous governments.

Petro emphasized the importance of combating fake news who, according to him, argue that intelligence entities are persecuting the judiciary. “Let us defeat the fake news “They talk about persecution…”, he noted on his X account, thus revalidating his commitment to transparency and justice.

The National Intelligence Directorate (DNI) is an intelligence agency of Colombia, created in 2011 after the dissolution of the Administrative Department of Security (DAS). Its mission is to produce strategic intelligence and counterintelligence at the national and international level, from a civil and military perspective, oriented to the fulfillment of the essential interests of the State.

The DNI aims to develop strategic intelligence and counterintelligence activities to protect the nation and people residing in Colombia. This includes preventing and countering internal or external threats against the validity of the democratic regime, the constitutional and legal order, security and national defense. Furthermore, it complies with the intelligence requirements made by the President of the Republic and the High Government to achieve the essential purposes of the State.

The organizational structure of the DNI includes the General Directorate, the General Inspectorate, the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Directorate, the Internal Affairs and Operational Security Directorate, the Institutional Management Directorate and advisory and coordination bodies. In simple words, the DNI plays a crucial role in the security and protection of the country, collaborating with various entities and agencies in the Colombian Intelligence Community.

In Colombia, a person can become an intelligence target for various reasons, and their inclusion in the information collection and analysis processes may vary depending on the context and circumstances. For example, if a person is involved in activities that may pose a threat to national security, such as drug trafficking, terrorism or organized crime, could be subject to monitoring and analysis by intelligence agencies.

There are different reasons why a person can be declared an intelligence target. Reference image - credit Center for Strategic Studies of the Peruvian Army
There are different reasons why a person can be declared an intelligence target. Reference image – credit Center for Strategic Studies of the Peruvian Army

Additionally, membership in political, social, or religious groups may draw the attention of intelligence authorities. This can include both legitimate organizations and those considered subversive or extremist. Likewise, those who maintain relationships with individuals or entities abroad may also be the subject of interest. This may be due to possible links to illicit activities or the need to monitor possible external threats.

If someone has valuable or strategic information, such as trade secrets, security data, or armed group plans, they could be considered an intelligence target. The assessment of the risk that a person represents to national security or state stability also influences their classification as an intelligence target.

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