They say their last goodbye to Rosana Artigas, the woman murdered in Plottier

They say their last goodbye to Rosana Artigas, the woman murdered in Plottier
They say their last goodbye to Rosana Artigas, the woman murdered in Plottier

The femicide of Rosana Artigas He had recognized the fact and a long sentence of life in prison awaited him. However, a few days ago, appeared dead in the Police Station 12 of the Valentina Sur neighborhood from Neuquen.

According to reports, the apparent suicide occurred around 5:30. Then, an officer reported that Fernández, 50, was lying on the floor of the barracks, apparently without vital signs.

For this reason, the authorities decided to call personnel from the Neuquén Integrated Emergency System (SIEN), who once at the scene confirmed the death of the femicide, minutes around 6, on June 5.

SFP Hearing for disappearance of Rosana Artigas detained Jose Fernadez (16)1.jpg

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

José Fernández was serving a life prison sentence in the warden of police station 12. An investigation was initiated and the activation of the “Minessotta” protocol was requested, a measure that is implemented with each death of a prisoner behind bars.

The femicide of Rosana Artigas

In this way, the punishment he had to serve is extinguished. as the perpetrator of the crime of homicide doubly qualified by the link and by the context of gender violence (femicide), which provides for the only possible penalty of life imprisonment.

According the theory of the case, the event occurred on November 23, when Fernández looked for Rosana at her house in Plottier and took her to her home. There lHe suffocated him with a rope and then, to discard the body, he hid it inside a container of about 200 liters.which he later threw into the Limay River, in the China Muerta area.

SFP Hearing Trial Jose Fernandez femicide Rosana Artigas Plottier (18).JPG

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

However, the convicted He created alibis and lied to the police when the concern of the woman’s family regarding her disappearance activated an intense search. He was the first to be identified, but he tried to divert the investigations and even drove to Centenario in a vehicle to confuse the investigators.

All of this could be confirmed after combining countless data: telephone reports, analysis of public and private security cameras and testimonies from multiple people who reported that the victim entered her ex-partner’s home and was never seen again.

He was arrested, but did not receive a jury trial. He accepted his responsibility in fact to avoid the wear and time that would have been involved in carrying out a trial by jury whose end was practically already written. But the sentence that awaited her she did not want to fulfill and she then chose her own end.

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