Wizard of Oz in San Luis Potosí: concert date postponed – El Sol de San Luis

Wizard of Oz in San Luis Potosí: concert date postponed – El Sol de San Luis
Wizard of Oz in San Luis Potosí: concert date postponed – El Sol de San Luis

For reasons beyond the control of the organization of the bullring, the ride, the concert scheduled for the night of this Saturday, June 15, where the Spanish band Wizard of Oz would perform, was postponed, this was made known by a sign that is located at the doors of this property.

This Saturday night, the Spanish folk metal band founded in Madrid in 1988 would be performing in the capital of Potosina as part of its Happy Birthday 2024 tour that it is carrying out throughout the country. Unfortunately, for the Potosí followers of this group, they found themselves with the surprise that the concert will be postponed.

At one of the doors of the El Paseo Bullring you can read a sign printed on a typewriter sheet stating “the Wizard of Oz concert, for reasons beyond the control of the bullring, was postponed by the organizers. For any questions and clarifications you can contact the telephone numbers 729 161 93 28 or to 729 106 2625also to email [email protected]

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So far none of the organizers have proclaimed themselves in this regard, the only thing that is known is that it will be on the group’s social networks where they will be most aware of the next date they will be in San Luis Potosí.

The group began to emerge in Mexico in Tijuana, and then played in Mexicali and performed in Puebla. The next date would be here in San Luis Potosí, unfortunately for its followers, this was postponed until further notice.

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