The IACHR will call a hearing for the repression of social protest in Argentina

The IACHR will call a hearing for the repression of social protest in Argentina
The IACHR will call a hearing for the repression of social protest in Argentina

At the request of human rights organizations, journalists’ associations and unions, The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will convene a virtual hearing on July 11 to analyze the situation of social protest and freedom of expression in Argentina. This call comes after the repression deployed by the Government during the vote on the Bases law.

Although it will be one of the topics discussed, the IACHR hearing does not arise from the complaints against the police actions of June 12 that Argentine organizations sent to it in the last few hours. The request that motivates the hearing was made in mid-April by the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), the Argentine Federation of Press Workers (Fatpren) and CONADU –which brings together university professors– along with other human rights and trade union organizations.

In the presentation, Argentine organizations pointed out that there is a serious situation of obstruction, threats, attacks and criminalization of social protest and freedom of expression. In particular, they discussed the repression that was perpetrated between the end of January and the beginning of February during the debate in Deputies of the first version of the Base Law.

One of the cases presented is that of lawyer Matías Aufieri, member of the Center of Professionals for Human Rights (Ceprodh) and advisor to the deputies of the FIT-U. During that repression, he was shot with a rubber bullet in the left eye, which caused him to lose his vision.

Repression in Congress: They denounce arbitrariness in the denial of releases



On Friday night, the judge María Servini determined the release of 17 of the 33 arrested for the acts of violence occurred in the outside Congress while the Bases law was debated. For those who defend the 16 people who remained behind bars, the denial of release is “something absolutely discretionary and arbitrary.”

For lawyer María del Carmen Verdú from CORREPI, representative of several detainees, “the denial of the release of 16 detainees is something absolutely discretionary and arbitrary because We have been able to read several of the denial resolutions and they are identical“.

To explain it, he told the case of Camila Juarez Oliva, Sociology student at UNSAM and mother of two children aged 8 and 11. “Throughout the resolution they refer to it as he accused. They painted, glued and did not even correct the genre to talk about the unusual violence and the very serious events that remain undescribed,” Verdú explained.

The people who are still detained as defendants by the prosecutor Carlos Stornelliwho must also define whether those imprisoned will have to pay for the costs of the operation, face the charges of: “injuries”, “simple and aggravated damages”, “fire or havoc”, “crimes against public safety”, “incitement to commit crimes”, “public intimidation”, “incitement to collective violence against institutions ” and “resistance to authority”. no complaint for “sedition.”

Friends and family of detained They are worried because the future is not clear. They will have to wait until Tuesday to be able to appeal the release. It is the case of teacher Juan Spinetto, who had gone to the march with his union Ademys. According to his relatives, when the repression began he dispersed and went to his house in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Constitución. When he was about to arrive, some police motorcycles surrounded them and detained them. Now he is in Ezeiza.

List of released people

The 17 people who were released on Friday afternoon are:

  • Sofia Belén Otogalli.
  • Gonzalo Duro.
  • Martin DiRoco.
  • Mateo de Tore.
  • Germán Moyano.
  • Fernando Klaus Leone.
  • Ricardo Shariff Sleme.
  • Diego Ignacio Iturburu.
  • Roman Esteban Mendez.
  • Luis Alberto de la Vega.
  • Santiago Lautaro Adano.
  • Brian Ezequiel Ortiz.
  • Belén Yanina Ocampo.
  • Matías Leonel Ramírez.
  • Nora Edith Longo.
  • Remigio Ramón Ocampo.
  • Mine Pilar Ocampo.

Meanwhile, 16 people remain detained: David Sica, Patricia Calarco Arreondo, Juan Ignacio Spinetto, Camila Belén Juárez, Nicolás Daniel Moyorga, Saya Jazmín Lyardet, Héctor David Mallea, Cristian Dario Ferreira, Juan Pablo Colombo, María de la Paz Cerruti, Ramona Tolaba, Lucia Belén Puglia, Cristian Fernando Valiente, Fernando Ezequiel Gómez, Gabriel Horacio Famulari and Roberto María de la Cruz Go.


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