Chile “calls its ambassador in Spain to order” for inviting military suppliers after distancing itself from Israel

Chile “calls its ambassador in Spain to order” for inviting military suppliers after distancing itself from Israel
Chile “calls its ambassador in Spain to order” for inviting military suppliers after distancing itself from Israel

The president of Chile, Gabriel Boricconfirmed that the government will call the Chilean ambassador in Spain to order, Javier Velascoafter stating in an economic forum in Madrid that his country could look to that European nation for a new partner in the defense sector given the weakening of relations with Israel due to the conflict in Gaza.

The ambassador, as published Infodefensa.commade an invitation to Spanish defense and security companies to look at the Chilean market, explaining that the situation of withdrawing the invitation to participate in Fidae 2024 It provides Israel with options to do business with other suppliers in that industry.

Velasco’s statements in the forum ‘Brand management in complex geopolitical and economic environments’ organized by MSH Global in it Circle of Fine Arts in Madrid were not well received in Chile, since it is not appropriate for a diplomat to comment on military purchasing policies. These types of matters correspond to the Ministry of National Defense.

Faced with this situation, President Gabriel Boric pointed out, within the framework of a visit to Sweden, that together with the Minister of External relationships, Alberto Van Klaverenare “totally aligned” regarding the situation and that it will be the chancellor who “will make reference to the necessary call for order that corresponds in a case like this.”

Van Klaveren, for his part, indicated that he is in contact with Velasco and that he requested “a report precisely to account for what exactly he said and also the context in which he said it. Obviously I have to know his own version before taking any action in this regard,” the minister stated.


“If the versions that have circulated respond exactly to what he said, I think he has exceeded his powers,” added van Klaveren, who was asked if he could advance the measures that will be adopted with the ambassador.

“I cannot anticipate that because obviously it depends on the version he gives and it also depends on the context in which he said his statements,” the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs simply noted.

Finally, when asked if it seems serious to him that Velasco refers to matters that are not within his competence, the chancellor commented that “there are issues that are within the competence of ambassadors, there are issues that do not directly belong to the competence of ambassadors; that is “I have to determine it according to the circumstances. I can’t say anything more until I know their version.”

In parallel to this situation, it should be noted that the Defense Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies He summoned the Minister of Defending, Maya Fernandez, to receive information about Velasco’s sayings. The Defense Commission will do the same. Senatewho invited ministers Fernández and Van Klaveren to refer to what happened.

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