Defiant style and “little discipline” of the mayor bothers Chile Vamos

Defiant style and “little discipline” of the mayor bothers Chile Vamos
Defiant style and “little discipline” of the mayor bothers Chile Vamos

Rodolfo Carter is already heating up the presidential elections on the right. With a defiant attitude, the mayor of La Florida made clear his intentions to go for La Moneda in 2025 and installed an electoral scenario that in Chile Vamos could already be seen coming: Carter versus Matthei in primaries.

The communal chief, who cannot run for re-election in the municipal election after reaching the term limit, stated on Radio Duna: “Once I finish my job in December, I am going to compete in the Chile primary Let’s go and I’m going to beat Evelyn Matthei”.

“Here is what is required ands a broad primarywith the greatest amount of participation, with the greatest amount of ideas, because after the presidential debate is resolved, we are going to have to rebuild Chile, put Chile back on its feet, defeat crime, this time for real, without fear, treating them like adults,” was Carter’s call.

Although Carter’s intentions to venture into a presidential race were not a secret to anyone, the decision to make it transparent was well received in the ranks of Chile Vamos.

Internally it was commented that it was a good sign that the mayor “submitted to the institutionality of the coalition” represented in the primary. This, according to voices in the sector, increases the chances of beating José Antonio Kast in the first roundsince no votes will be divided between Carter and Matthei.

However, Carter’s figure is not highly valued by all of Chile Vamos. His confrontational style and “little political discipline”opposition voices say, are aspects that work against him, unlike Matthei, who attracts transversal support in the coalition.

“Personalistic” style and lack of discipline

One of the criticisms made of Carter in his sector is his excessive style, smart person. “He always tries to be on television or gets involved in issues that are not his responsibility,” says a parliamentarian who prefers not to reveal his name.

But this style has also been expressed in more decisive issues, in fact, in political decisions. In the La Florida mayoral primary, Carter decided to promote his “political dolphin,” Daniel Reyes, over Alejandra Parra, UDI councilor and who was the card of the party.

Finally, Reyes was elected in the Chile Vamos primary, even though he was independent, a situation that the leaders of the right-wing coalition wanted to avoid.

In fact, in the celebration of Reyes’ electoral victory, the mayor took the opportunity to summon the leadership of the party in which he once served: “The fingering is over, old Chile was the fingering, the farm bosses. People must participate and, unfortunately, I really would have hoped that the UDI would be present here“, as José Antonio Kast was, as Renovación Nacional has been,” was Carter’s message to the UDI board headed by Senator Javier Macaya.

Another episode that has generated annoyance in the ranks of Chile Vamos was the support given to the Republican Party’s letter for the governor of the RM, Macarena Santelices. In a video broadcast on her social networks, Carter assured that “to defeat the governors and mayors of Gabriel Boric, a regional governor is needed who puts Chile ahead.” and Macarena Santelices is by far the best candidate “that meets all the necessary competencies to defeat Claudio Orrego.”

This was read in Chile Vamos as a “lack of discipline” on Carter’s part, since, they say in the sector, if he wants to compete for a Chile Vamos seat in the presidential election must support coalition parties.

Carter, upon appearing, received criticism since only one day later he clarified that despite saying that Santelices was the “best candidate,” He was going to support the card that decided his alliancewhich is currently Rosa Oyarce.

Another doubt that Carter generates is his future “after the presidential race.” If they are sure of one thing in Chile Vamos, it is that Matthei will prevail in the primary. For this reason, the future of the mayor is a matter of speculation, as he is not going to stay outside the political arena, they say in his sector.

An eventual candidacy for a senaturia is the most natural and what is speculated in Chile Vamos. But this is also complicated. The most likely regions in which Carter could compete, due to level of knowledge, are the Metropolitan and Valparaíso. In the first, it is practically impossible for him to be elected, since only two seats will be chosen in the 2025 parliamentary election.

In Valparaíso, the issue is also complex. Until now, the opposition cards for said region would be Andrés Longton and María José Hoffmann, who is the current candidate for governor of the Fifth Region, but given the difficulty of removing Rodrigo Mundaca’s position, she would take advantage of the campaign to reach the Senate. .

For this reason, continuity in office for Carter is in danger as he is not supported by the parties.

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