Possible closure of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant after a fire in Matanzas

Possible closure of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant after a fire in Matanzas
Possible closure of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant after a fire in Matanzas

Editorial of CubitaNOW ~ Sunday June 16, 2024

The Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant in Matanzas faces a critical situation after a fire occurred this Friday in one of its crude oil tanks. This incident could force the plant to shut down at any time.

The Minister of Energy and Mines of Cuba, Vicente de la O Levy, appeared at the scene of the incident, which occurred around 10:00 am on June 14. According to his first statements, the fire has different characteristics than the one that occurred in August 2022 at the Matanzas Supertanker Base, which resulted in the tragic death of 17 firefighters. On this occasion, the closed lid of the affected tank allowed better containment of the fire, which made it easier to control.

To guarantee safety in the affected area, all personnel were evacuated, allowing exclusive access to specialized fire brigades working to extinguish the flames. Although the fire is under control, it has not yet been completely extinguished.

The CTE Guiteras continues to operate thanks to a second tank that currently supplies the unit. However, this tank only has enough fuel for two days of operation. Given this situation, the Minister of O Levy did not rule out the possibility of a total blackout of the plant if necessary to preserve the safety of the technological equipment.

Mario Sabines Lorenzo, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party in Matanzas, highlighted the experience and preparation of the province to handle similar situations. Additional measures have been implemented, such as the reinforcement of firefighting equipment and the constant supply of water and chemical foams. In addition, sand has been used to create a retaining wall and prevent the spread of flames to other tanks, constantly cooling the adjacent tanks.

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