Radio Havana Cuba | Fathers’ Day celebrated in Cuba

Radio Havana Cuba | Fathers’ Day celebrated in Cuba
Radio Havana Cuba | Fathers’ Day celebrated in Cuba

Father’s Day. Photo: RR

Havana, June 16 (RHC) Like every year, on the third Sunday we prepare to recognize all the love of our parents. Being a dad is not learned overnight. Sharing responsibilities, going on par in parenting, means overcoming years and years of machismo.

It is not easy, but the wind of change is already there, in all those parents who insist on breaking the mold, it remains to be normalized, made visible and built more spaces for growth.

A few days ago a beautiful story came into my hands titled like this chronicle. That beautiful story for children came wrapped in drawings, becoming a reminder of paternal love for adults. Perhaps the stereotypes have made it difficult for us to incorporate the not at all true criterion that “father is anyone and there is only one mother.” I know many parents to whom we could never apply such a value judgment.

Father’s Day is a special occasion in which we honor and celebrate those wonderful men who have played and/or play a fundamental role in our lives, it is a unique opportunity to express our love, admiration, and infinite gratitude.

Parents are those special beings that life put us on the path to accompany us on our emotional journey through life, they are the train driver of each of our lives, sometimes visible and sometimes hidden behind the tenderness of the companion he chose. to accompany them in the difficult art of raising and educating.

Their capacity to love and protect is infinite, accomplices by nature of our first adventures and the first pet we had, they silently become our idols, we want to imitate them and we take over their sports teams, with them we laugh at successes and cry for various results. , of his hobbies.

Sometimes very late we recognize their wisdom, after those difficult stages in which we know everything and they are left in the past, we recognize them again as the pattern to follow; If they are far away or have already left, something breaks inside us, everything is no longer the same, there is not a day that we do not remember their teachings, and even half accomplices of our children, we do not ask ourselves, how they would have done, with his knowledge, his skills, with his infinite goodness.

A few years ago I read a text that is unsurpassed when it comes to expressing what we feel when our parents are no longer there. In that beautiful and heartbreaking monologue, its author, the renowned Spanish thinker Javier Gomá, laid the foundations to explain that only with death do you learn the meaning of the word never: Well, parents are the only witnesses of the entire history of his son, only they guard the complete and authentic narrative, from the first line. When my father died, it was as if the first pages had been torn out of the book of my life. Part of me was buried with him forever, there…

Today, when all Cubans will celebrate this third Sunday of June, Father’s Day in very difficult conditions, love and infinite tenderness will be two of the main ingredients of the special gift that we will give to each of our parents, to those with whom that we can always count on. (Source: Havana Tribune)

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