Businessmen from the Valley ask President Gustavo Petro for an audience, what is the reason?

The 34 unions, seven chambers of commerce and more than twelve thousand companies affiliated with the Interunion and Business Committee of Valle del Cauca, CIEV, joined the call of Governor Dilian Francisca Toro to demand that the National Government take more forceful actions against the crime that affects the security of the department.

Jamundí Security Council | Photo: Governorate of Valle del Cauca

Claudia Calero, president of Asocaña and the CIEV Board of Directors, pointed out that Valle del Cauca “needs a deeper look, one that contains insecurity and criminal groups.”

“Today we are surrounding the Government of Valle and surrounding Valle del Cauca, asking the National Government to put its vision in Valle del Cauca. We are asking the President for a hearing to receive us, because insecurity in this region cannot be naturalized, we need security, justice to arrive and the productive apparatus to be reactivated,” said the union leader.

In turn, Juan Manuel Sanclemente, executive director of the CIEV, added that the support of the National Government in terms of budget and capabilities is important.

“We recognize that the Government and all the mayors are making a double effort to resolve the scourge of violence and insecurity, but there are capacities that are limited and these capacities are replaced to the extent that the National Government attends to them and accompanies them. this region,” said Sanclemente.

“The first thing is to recognize that we have to work together, we all contribute here, the private sector has been working on crime prevention for many years, we from Propacífico and Compromiso Valle working with young people, with communities, but we all have roles and that This is what we aim for, that we all commit and contribute according to our competencies,” said Ulloa.

These are some of the uniformed personnel who arrived in Jamundí to reinforce security in the urban area and in the rural area of ​​this municipality located in the south of Valle del Cauca. | Photo: Cali Police
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