“I have no doubt that by July 9 the Base Law will be sanctioned”

“I have no doubt that by July 9 the Base Law will be sanctioned”
“I have no doubt that by July 9 the Base Law will be sanctioned”

Martin Menem He was confident that for the July 9ththe new scheduled date to sign the May Pact is delayed, the national Government will have the Base Lawafter the sanction it obtained in the Senate amid serious incidents outside Congress.

“There is a quorum and there is a law, it cannot be rejected. I have no doubt that by July 9 the law will already be sanctioned“, he stated in dialogue with radio Rivadavia.

The representative of La Libertad Avanza added that for this third legislative instance, all that remains is to define what type of law will be taken into account: whether the one modified by the Senate, the first one sent by Deputies or a mix accepting modifications.

“It would be difficult for me to understand that the same deputies who 45 days ago voted in favor of a project could not vote in favor of the same project, Argentina does not change, it still needs the law, the reforms, and that we institutionally reflect what the people voted for.” at the polls. I don’t think we will have any problems,” he said.

At the end of April, the ruling party managed to give half a sanction to a new, more limited version of the Base Law project, which includes a labor reform, privatizations and delegation of powers, with a general vote of 142 votes in favor, 106 rejections and 5 abstentions.

Last Thursday, the senators turned the initiative into law, which must now return to the Deputies, because the Senate (the “reviewing” Chamber in this case) introduced changes to the text approved in the Deputies on April 30. Thus, the project with changes returns to what was its “original” chamber for its final sanction.

Due to the tie in the vote, Victoria Villarruel defined the Base Law with her vote. Photo Federico Lopez Claro.

Menem said that they have already met with the legislators called “dialogues” to evaluate and define what changes will be accepted to the norm. And he announced that the ruling party will insist on the Income Tax, Personal Property Tax, and the privatization of public companies.

Our position is to insist. The commitment has been one of the President’s great campaign promises and projects, shrinking the State, which is Argentina’s main problem, which has prevented the economy from growing, and priatizations is one of the fundamental agendas,” he emphasized.

In addition, he pointed out to the Kirchnerist bench for not having voted with any of the articles included in the reform package.

“Did they not see anything to support a government? This shows the intention to obstruct, destroy and hinder. When they govern they have a position, when another governs, they generate this type of inconvenience,” he emphasized.

The head of Deputies said that between the week of July 24, or the first days of July, the text will finally be entered to be discussed in the chamber.

Finally, he announced that they are working on “a broad agenda”, highlighted the consensus with the dialogue sector and gave as an example that the Education Commission was able to issue a ruling on “essentiality.”

“There are several issues where there is a wide margin with the consolidation of more than 130 deputies, which we are going to give more rhythm to the legislative agenda,” Menem concluded.

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