“Ruletka” and its social reflection arrive at the Gaumont | Footnote

“Ruletka” and its social reflection arrive at the Gaumont | Footnote
“Ruletka” and its social reflection arrive at the Gaumont | Footnote
RULETKA Carlos and The Russian
On June 26, the Argentine-Venezuelan film “Ruletka” will premiere on the screen of the Gaumont Cinema. Credits: Ruletka press.

When money is not enough to survive, desperation appears and can push people into dangerous situations. This is evident in “Ruletka”, the film that will reach the Gaumont Cinema next June 26.

To know more details about the film, Footnote interviewed its director and screenwriter Jimmy Castro Zambrano. The filmmaker spoke about how the project was constructed and reflected on the challenges of making independent films.

“Ruletka” is a drama and suspense feature film made in 2022 in a co-production between Argentina and Venezuela. The story revolves around a group of people who will participate in a dangerous practice known as “Russian roulette.”

About the beginnings of the project, Castro Zambrano explained: “I started writing the script at the beginning of 2020. Just when the total quarantine took place, I developed several short films, and between so much time that I had available and that I couldn’t leave the apartment, I spent a few weeks dedicated to the script of the movie”.

«Ruletka» part of the reflection on a reality, unfortunately, very close and tangible. “I emigrated from a country whose economic conditions ended up forcing almost a third of the population to emigrate, which is why we talk about the Venezuelan exodus,” mentioned the interviewee.

In that sense and linked to the case of the film, the director focused on the main theme behind the plot of “Ruletka” and how it is stated that “some people who participate in a macabre game with the hope of winning and obtaining the means to help them leave that place or change their reality for the better have nothing to lose.”

RULETKA CemeteryRULETKA Cemetery
Ruletka is a film whose story revolves around a group of people who become involved in the practice of what is known as “Russian roulette.” Credits: Ruletka press.

Empower Latin American cinema

In tune and regarding the theme that is developed in “Ruletka”, Castro Zambrano He reflected on addressing a complex topic associated with taboo through cinema.

In this way, the director and screenwriter proposed that cinema is a medium and a tool through which we can raise a discourse that invites reflection.”

From this point on, however, the interviewee also delved into the role of Latin cinema as a social instrument and the difficulties in which this type of independent films are developed.

“Unfortunately, we still do not have cinematographic hegemony in Latin American countries. That is to say, still more than 90 percent of the films in theaters are of foreign origin, especially from USA. And that is the cinema that dominates,” he considered.

Along these lines, the director added that “even though we have our own narratives, that we have things that we want to draw attention to so that there is reflection, unfortunately many times the work does not arrive. We are a little lost because we lack power, promotion, we lack support, and we also need the public to consume more of the national product.”

Ruletka is an independent production and Jimmy Castro Zambrano was in charge of direction, script, and production, among other areas. Credits: Ruletka press.

About Ruletka

“Ruletka” It consists of an independent production. Jimmy Castro Zambrano was in charge of direction, script, general and executive production (in the latter together with Gustavo Montoro).

The rest of the technical team was completed with Blas Zanella (co-production, camera, among others), sound design of Duggan Bayerque Zuzulichart direction and costumes Jezabel D. Castro Lópezamong other artists.

Likewise, the film stars Germán Tirini, Pablo Turchi, Giuliana Benítez, Melisa Cosentino, Marta Quarleri, Remzi Pamukçu and Nikolai Pankovalong with a great cast.

One of the highlights of “Ruletka” lies in the effort and commitment of the team to carry out this project independently. About, Castro Zambrano He reflected on the implications of making this type of film.

“Getting to the film was a challenge, but at the same time it was like the culmination of a long journey. “I tell people that I have a degree in art, and for me this has been the postgraduate degree of my degree,” she said.

In summary, the filmmaker also highlighted the work of the rest of the team and again made a comparison with the Latin American context in terms of project development.

In this way and to conclude: “It does not matter much in Latin America the pushing, the rowing, the putting effort and lung into the national economy and this difficulty of moving forward.”

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