Russia targeted Milei for his meeting with Zelensky

The Russian Government questioned the close ties that President Javier Milei maintains with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelenski, through the ambassador in Buenos Aires, Dmitry Feoktistov.

The representative of the Russian government warned that his administration feels “deep disappointment” with the international relations maintained by the Argentine president. In addition, he warned about a possible shipment of weapons from Argentina to Ukraine, which he described as a “hostile act.”

In particular, he made reference to the activities that Milei had in recent days in Switzerland with Zelensky, who presented him with the Order of Freedom in a bilateral meeting, and his presence at the Global Peace Summit.

Dmitry Feoktistov, Russian ambassador to Argentina, warned about a possible shipment of weapons from Argentina to Ukraine, which he described as a “hostile act.”

“The information about the possible shipment of Argentine tanks through Germany, similar to the aircraft agreement with France, is also worrying,” said Dmitry Feoktistov.

“We have clearly and firmly communicated to Argentina that such actions will be considered hostile actions against Russia,” the diplomat added to Russian media, according to the Chinese agency Xinhua.

Along these lines, he assured that the Government of Vladimir Putin hopes that Milei’s administration will refrain from interfering in the open war with Ukraine, and continue along the paths of neutrality to “preserve the friendly nature of Russian-Argentine relations, which “They have historically been immune to political trends.”

On the other hand, Feoktistov referred to the request of the Argentine Government to join NATO and rejected the participation of the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, in the meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine in Brussels, known as the “Ramstein format “.

“Regarding the participation of the Argentine Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, in the Brussels meeting, within the framework of the Ramstein coalition, there are still no official comments from the Argentine side. The certain fact of the rapprochement between Buenos Aires and the employers military of Ukraine causes us deep disappointment,” declared the Russian diplomat.

See alsoArgentina presented its letter of intent to be a global partner of NATO

Regarding this aspect, he also pointed out that Argentina requested the status of global partner of the alliance in April. And he noted: “Frankly, we do not understand how granting this status can improve Argentina’s security.”

Milei’s support for Zelensky

President Javier Milei met this Saturday in Switzerland with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, after the Global Peace Summit.

“I want to express, on behalf of the Argentine people, our maximum support for the people of Ukraine, and for our friend Volodomir Zelensky, since as defenders of the idea of ​​freedom we repudiate any form of violence,” the libertarian president declared.

In turn, the President received the Order of Freedom from the Ukrainian president, a medal that historically was used to distinguish relevant services rendered in defense of the values ​​of civilization and in favor of the cause of freedom.

In this case, it was awarded for merits in strengthening the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, the consolidation of Ukrainian society, the development of democracy, the progress of socio-economic and political reforms, and for promoting constitutional rights and freedoms. .

“I thanked President (Javier) Milei for attending the Peace Summit. We also appreciate the broad presence of Latin American countries. I am sure that history will remember this long road to peace,” Zelensky noted on his social networks.

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