Juan Carlos de Pablo’s warning to the Government about the economic results of the first six months

Juan Carlos de Pablo’s warning to the Government about the economic results of the first six months
Juan Carlos de Pablo’s warning to the Government about the economic results of the first six months


This Sunday night, the economist Juan Carlos de Pablo sent a message to the government of Javier Milei regarding the economic results obtained during the first six months of management as a result of a strong adjustment program. In that context, during his time Business community, De Pablo made special emphasis on the fact that many people “They have to do a lot of things to make ends meet” and highlighted the efforts of society in this period.

“Here there is a very important message for the Government. And they tell him ‘Skinny, today you start to slack off, the inflation rate is going to 20 and all the sacrifice of the first six months you threw away. That would be unforgivable“, said the economist in dialogue with host José Del Rio on LN+.

Throughout the television exchange, De Pablo also referred to Milei’s “style” as leader of the Executive. “Those things don’t change. Many want Milei to modify something. They tell me to tell her to calm down. If I tell him. But the styles don’t change,” she said. Then, characterized the leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) as a “transparent” leader and who stated “he is not crazy.””. “When he talks about how he is going to veto any project that endangers the fiscal balance, it is a definition. One has to listen. The veto is very important. If Congress approves the retirement reform, he vetoes it but the legislators insist, later he will have to decide which items he is going to adjust. And there the population is going to confront the legislators for having ‘less of this and that,’ he indicated.

The economist Juan Carlos de PabloSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

He also defended the slogan of the ruling party “there’s no money”: “Let’s pretend that the IMF gives Milei 30 billion dollars. The President goes from having no money to having a little. Out of nowhere, governors and mayors would appear in Olivos and queue at the door. So, the phrase ‘there is no money’ is simple. They have to believe it. Because? Because Milei doesn’t have instruments. There are other economists who say that Milei had ten other alternatives. You are wrong”.

Later, the economist also offered to talk about the exit from the stocks. Once again, in disagreement with his colleagues, he believed that “it is not a priority.” “Here you have to get into the pants of the president of the Central Bank, Santiago Bausili. Why would he be in a hurry to remove the stocks? He still doesn’t understand it. Many talk about causal connections. If one removes the stocks, this wonderful thing happens. And if he doesn’t take it out, another one happens. Let’s pretend that Elon Musk is coming. He comes to the conclusion that he wants to start a car factory. In four years, we Argentines have constantly put and put the traps in place. This man, who they say is very intelligent, is going to make a real investment conditional on me removing the stocks? Explain to me then what is the priority of removing the stocks?”, he analyzed.

In the same vein, he expressed himself about the dollarization plan that the ruling party intends to apply: “It is not a priority either. The priority here is economic policy. You ask the President today when he is going to dollarize and he will surely tell you as soon as possible. The same thing happens when you ask when the Central Bank is going to close. He doesn’t tell you anything. We now have a bimonetary system that works perfectly. There is no need to rush.”

The economist Juan Carlos de PabloSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

Finally, when asked by José Del Rio about how optimistic he is about the future of Argentina, De Pablo said that the situation is “dynamic.” “This does not mean that we have to go out and kill ourselves. It means that the decisions that can be made are only based on two or three little things. The President today is clinging to the fiscal balance because he has nothing else. There are other issues that need to be focused on. For example, do you know what would be worrying? That the economic team said that 4.2% inflation is its ceiling. We sound there. As an economist I have no problem if inflation is 6% in June.”


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