Colombia: What is happening in the Banana Zone?

During the last week, the municipality of the department of Magdalena has lived in tension due to pamphlets, threats and crimes that keep the population locked up and commercial and productive activities completely paralyzed. The Association of Banana Growers of Magdalena and Guajira (ASBAMA) requested the intervention of the national government in favor of the community.

ASBAMA explained that the Banana Zone is a municipality with more than 77,000 inhabitants that, in the last week, has been paralyzed for fear of the threats received in the form of pamphlets signed by the Conquistadores de la Sierra Self-Defense Forces, who have declared an armed strike. in the department. Added to the threats, the violent death of two people increased fear in the municipality.

The main economic activity in Magdalena is banana production, in which about 14,000 people work. Due to the security situation, they have not been able to go to their jobs, causing serious damage to the crops and, in general, to the entire fruit production and marketing chain.

“From ASBAMA, on behalf of all banana producers and workers in the sector, we call on the national government to intervene in the municipality of the Banana Zone, where criminals have spread terror among the population, violating their right to work and freedom,” said José Francisco Zúñiga Cots, executive president of the association that brings together banana producers and marketers in the departments of Magdalena, Cesar and La Guajira.

“As a union we stand in solidarity with the community of the Zone and with the shopkeepers, hoteliers and, in general, commercial sector that have been forced not to carry out their activity,” he added.

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