Now it was the turn of the municipal cemetery

Now it was the turn of the municipal cemetery
Now it was the turn of the municipal cemetery

June 17, 2024 – 15:02

Correspondent.- The crime wave that has been hitting the department Fray Mamerto Esquiú It does not stop, and this time, the objective was the “Virgen del Carmen” Municipal Cemetery, located in the town of San Antonio.

Last Sunday, coinciding with Father’s Day, relatives who came to honor their loved ones found a devastating scenario: criminals stole plaques, vases and any other valuable object from the niches.

The outrage led to complaints being filed with the police, who were present at the scene to take testimonies and assess the damage. However, concern and a feeling of insecurity persist among neighbors. “It hurts us to see how not even the dead are respected. This is already unsustainable,” said Clara, an affected neighbor.

Among the visitors to the necropolis, Aurora, who had come with her family to remember her father, also felt affected: “I came with my children to leave some flowers at my father’s grave, but I found that the flowers had been stolen. plaques and vases. I’m not the only one, several of us who were in the cemetery saw that things were also missing from the mausoleums and niches. It is very painful and sad to see this on such an important day,” she said.

Former Zoo

This situation adds to a series of criminal incidents in this area. Days ago, acts of vandalism and theft were reported on the grounds of the former San Antonio Zoo, located in front of this same cemetery that is also managed by the Municipality of Fray Mamerto Esquiú. This place, which two years ago was announced as a future botanical garden, is in total abandonment. “This is no man’s land. They said they were going to make a botanical garden, but as you can see it is abandoned, covered by weeds, without lighting or anyone to take care of it. That made thieves vandalize and steal what they found in the place,” he said. a neighbor who preferred to remain anonymous.

Other thefts

On the other hand, the same weekend the robbery was recorded in an event hall located on Provincial Route 1, near the town of La Tercena, also in the Fray Mamerto Esquiú department. From this place, the criminals took two air conditioning units and caused damage to the openings and electrical installations. Also, during those days, the theft of toilets, drinks and sports equipment from the warehouse of the La Tercena club was reported, where in less than 48 hours the criminals entered twice.

Despite the repeated complaints and the request from the residents of Fray Mamerto Esquiú, for concrete actions, the perception of insecurity grows. While the Minister of Security assures that the crime rate has decreased in Las Chacras, residents face new crimes daily.


Wave of robberies in FME: now it’s the municipal cemetery’s turn

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