Aguas del Altiplano agreement with the Regional Government is announced for changes to drinking water and sewage networks in the El Boro and Cerro Tarapacá sectors

Aguas del Altiplano agreement with the Regional Government is announced for changes to drinking water and sewage networks in the El Boro and Cerro Tarapacá sectors
Aguas del Altiplano agreement with the Regional Government is announced for changes to drinking water and sewage networks in the El Boro and Cerro Tarapacá sectors

In expanded Socavones Plan meeting

Mayor Patricio Ferreira Rivera in an expanded Socavones Plan meeting held in the Municipal Council room, informs residents of progress on the reconstruction of homes damaged by land subsidence.
In this context, he announced the agreement between the water company Aguas del Altiplano and the Regional Government for changes to drinking water and sewage networks, this year, in sectors of El Boro and Cerro Tarapacá, where the municipality will collaborate through the Municipal Works Directorate (DOM); Aguas del Altiplano will connect the water and sewage pipelines, and the Regional Government will be in charge of paving the intervened sectors.
Likewise, another important issue is that this Monday, June 10, the bill for collapsible floors will be voted on, which arises from the Housing Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, which proposes to more forcefully expedite the reconstruction and construction of houses, among others.
On the other hand, the community leader highlighted the work and transversal commitment of the region’s parliamentarians in the search for a solution to the complex issue that affects hundreds of hospice families.
He emphasized that together with the support of everyone, neighbors and regional authorities, doors are opening in the Ministry of Housing and the Executive, so that with a new body of law the difficulties that delay the demolition and construction processes of homes affected by sinkholes can be resolved. .
Representatives Matías Ramírez and Renzo Trisotti participated in the meeting, along with Álvaro Rojas, Chief of Staff of Representative Danisa Astudillo. Also the Seremi of Housing and Urban Planning Diego Rebolledo; director of Serviu Tarapacá Patricio Altermatt; councilors Víctor Belaunde and Tomás Soto; representatives of the Aguas del Altiplano water company; leaders of COSOC, condominiums and neighborhood associations.


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