Minister of Health speaks out against the statements of the motion of censure

Minister of Health speaks out against the statements of the motion of censure
Minister of Health speaks out against the statements of the motion of censure

This Monday, the Minister of Health, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, will have to face a debate on the motion of censure in the plenary session of the House of Representatives.

The minister was summoned by the independent bench of the Chamber that will question him about the results of the implementation of the new health care model for teachers and the general crisis in the sector. Follow the debate live.

1:55 p.m.

The plenary votes on a block of impediments and there is controversy

The plenary session of the House of Representatives votes on a block of impediments from several congressmen for the debate on the motion of censure.

The fact is harshly questioned by Jose Jaime Uscategui: “How come impediments are being presented in the plenary session to carry out a debate on a motion of censure? Does this mean that the congressman is prevented from exercising his function and should not even be sitting in this room if you consider that you feel prevented from calling a minister of State for a debate? This is a mockery and it is being shown that they want to adjourn the plenary session due to lack of quorum.

2:06 p.m.

Jennifer Pedraza says that there is a proposal to prevent the debate on the motion of censure

Representative Jennifer Pedraza joined the annoyance over the presentation of impediments and assured that the independent bench learned of a proposal that would seek to prevent the debate on a motion of censure against the Minister of Health.

“We have already seen here a proposal aimed at not allowing the debate on the motion of censure that we had been waiting for after having also filed political control debates that the Board of Directors and you, President (Andrés Calle) have not wanted to schedule,” he says.

2:15 p.m.

They read a proposal to repeal the debate

The secretary of the House of Representatives read a proposal signed by representative Jhon Fredy Núñez and other signatures in which the congressmen request to repeal the motion of censure against Minister Jaramillo as “inadmissible.”


‘Motions of censure cannot be conditional on majorities’: Andrés Forero

The representative of the Democratic Center, Andrés Forero, expressed his disagreement with the proposal to repeal the debate. “A very dangerous precedent would be set here where debates on political control and motions of censure would be conditional on the majorities of Congress.”

2:45 p.m.

‘The Minister of Health is not responsible for the health of teachers’: Alejandro Ocampo

According to the representative of the Historical Pact, Alejandro Ocampo, the motion of censure is inadmissible and clings to article 30 of Law 5: “We have cited a man who does not have the function of monitoring, implementing, or contracting anything in the teachers’ regime.

3:00 pm

They present a postponement proposal

The government bench requests that a proposal to postpone the motion of censure be put to a vote, in order to clarify doubts regarding the functions for which the Minister of Health must respond.

3:17 p.m.

Doubts about the debate

In doubt motion of censure against Minister Jaramillo for alleged lack of jurisdiction over Fomag.

4:08 p.m.

The motion of censure is saved

After two hours of debate on the admissibility or not of the motion of censure, the president of the Chamber, Andrés Calle, announced that it was the right of the opposition to hold the session and putting it up for discussion in the plenary would be unconstitutional.

4:22 p.m.

The motion of censure begins

The motion of censure begins, the first to speak is representative Jenifer Pedraza. She shows through a timeline the role that the minister played in the changes in the teachers’ health system provided by Fomag. “Don’t come and wash your hands, Fomag’s decisions were supported by the Minister of Health,” said Jennifer Pedraza. The representative assures that the model was never approved by the Fomag board of directors. She said that the system was approved with the approval of the minister and not with a unilateral decision. To this she adds that there were no contracts signed on May 1, the day the model came into operation.

4:38 p.m.

Catherine Juvinao intervenes in the debate

This emphasized the omissions of Fiduprevisora, which were actually carried out by the Ministry of Health as a technical advisor since the agreement with Fomag made the tasks of Jaramillo’s portfolio clear. The representative of the Greens went against the thesis of the Historical Pact that the debate should not take place because the minister is not responsible for the teachers’ health system. Another of Juvinao’s complaints was the disparity in prices in purchases of ambulances for Fomag.

4:55 p.m.

The Government bench protested

The Government bench protested because Juvinao presented figures and topics that were not included in the original questionnaire to the minister. They reminded him that the summons was for the Fomag model and not for the execution.

5:26 p.m.

Questions to the health model

Marelen Castillo took the floor to question the health model. She noted that she has seen teachers die from poor health. She even pointed out that those in the Government cannot say that Jaramillo had nothing to do with the teachers’ health model when the leaked audios show that the minister did have something to do with the planning of the entire model. Castillo added that the minister has hidden behind the fact that the problems are due to the transition but the problem is how many deaths will occur during the transition.

5:52 p.m.

Representative Hernán Cadavid spoke

Representative Hernán Cadavid continued on his turn. He questioned the interventions made by the Health Superintendence. He asked that Savia Salud’s intervention end and that the partners be allowed an injection of capital to save it. “Do not continue with the fight in Antioquia that is taking away the health stability of the department,” was Cadavid’s request directly to the minister.

5:56 p.m.

The drug crisis

Hugo Danilo Lozano, from the Democratic Center, took his turn to question the minister about the medication crisis. He reported that in Vaupés they are going through the worst malaria crisis because there is no access to hydrochloricine and other basic medications to treat the disease.

6:08 p.m.

Carolina Arbeláez asked for explanations

Carolina Arbeláez spoke for her entire party, Cambio Radical. For 10 minutes she asked for explanations because the problem is not only in the teachers’ system. She pointed out that the Ministry of Health has failed to provide sufficient resources for the health system. She then pointed out that teachers are being deceived that they will be able to be treated in private clinics when that already happens for emergencies and on the other hand the Fiduprevisora ​​model has not finalized the hiring.

6:18 p.m.

Arbeláez denounced that several of the contracts of the new model were delivered to the same contractors

Arbeláez denounced that several of the new model contracts were delivered to the same contractors. To this he added that several of the contractors who were in Ferrocarriles Nacionales when Jhon Mauricio Marín was in charge went to assume contracts in the new Fiduprevisora ​​model.

6:20 p.m.

Alejandro Ocampo intervened

Alejandro Ocampo, from the Historical Pact, was summoned but to come out in defense of Minister Jaramillo. He assured that he has no responsibility because he has nothing to do with a model “that he does not control.” He assured that the responsibility lies with Fiduprevisora. Ocampo affirmed that the motion of censure against the minister is due to his opposition to the owners of the Eps.

7:00 p.m.

Gabriel Parrado, from the Green Alliance, came out in defense of the Ministry of Health

Gabriel Parrado, from the Green Alliance, came out in defense of the Ministry of Health saying that the debate did not even make sense because the health that teachers seek is preventive and that would include good classrooms, sports centers and so on.

7:09 p.m.

The Minister of Health began his speech

The minister began his speech by responding to issues about hospital construction. He then proceeded to defend himself by indicating that the debate is inadmissible since he has no responsibility for the crisis in the teachers’ health system because this system depends on the Ministry of Education, Fiduprevisora ​​and not on him.

7:15 p.m.

“I ask you to respect a minister”

Clash between the board of directors of the Chamber and the Minister of Health since the observation was made that the motion of censure had already been declared admissible. “I ask you to respect a minister,” Jaramillo responded to the call for attention.

7:35 p.m.

Debate resumed

The debate resumed and the minister insisted that “Fiduprevisora ​​implements” the model and that he only provided technical assistance.

7:40 p.m.

Jaramillo closed his intervention

“I don’t have to answer,” Jaramillo concluded.


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