An international conference rewards Díaz-Canel for his scientific efforts, which are fruitless in practice

An international conference rewards Díaz-Canel for his scientific efforts, which are fruitless in practice
An international conference rewards Díaz-Canel for his scientific efforts, which are fruitless in practice

The III International Congress of Science and Education, which meets in Havana, presented this Monday to Miguel Diaz-Canel an honorary recognition for his scientific workpublished the official account of the Presidency in X.

When thanking him for the award, the ruler said that he received it “as recognition and tribute to people in Cuba who believe in science as a pillar of government management“. This was precisely the topic of his doctoral thesis presented in 2021 and praised by his university professors.

Since assuming nominal power in Cuba from Raúl Castro in 2018, Diaz-Canel has tried to sell an image of a modern leader and promoter of science and innovation. In the opinion of DIARIO DE CUBA journalist Yoan Miguel Gonzáles Piedra, this is a kind of political marketing to counteract the senile and retrograde image of the historical leadership of the regimedetained in the worst of the utopian ideologies of the 19th and 20th centuries.

However, Díaz-Canel did not miss the opportunity to talk about the “legacy” of Fidel Castro during the gratitude this Monday the 17th for his award. In the words of the ruler, the late dictator, a man who destroyed the Island’s flourishing industries with disastrous experiments, “put science at the center of all processes.”

Díaz-Canel’s bold scientific theory in practice has not solved any of the many problems that plague Cubans. There is no science, nor is there innovation, much less development to sustain in Cuba under a impoverishing regime. During his mandate, the country’s socio-economic crisis has only deepened with enormous inflation, shortages of all kinds, blackouts, migratory exodus and the impoverishment of services such as health and education itself.

Several critical followers were quick to react and questioned the ruler’s scientific work.

What was your contribution to science? Well, let’s say that he scientifically demonstrated that an incapable person at the head of a country can plunge it deeper and deeper into absolute misery. The science of destruction“, considered one user.

Others played with Díaz-Canel’s milestones at the head of the Government and considered that he was awarded “for the thesis ‘Citrus lemon as the basis of everything'” and for “scientific welder.”

According to the official Cuban News Agency, the congress that has awarded the president will meet until next Wednesday at the Convention Palace with topics such as “practical actions related to teaching, science and culture at an international level, from a comprehensive approach.” of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda”.

Discussions will also be held within the framework of the event. Necessary Education and Open Science: Education and Research with the participation of Cubans and international experts who will discuss innovation and scientific research from the field of instruction, policies and educational models.

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