These are the most competitive cities in Colombia

These are the most competitive cities in Colombia
These are the most competitive cities in Colombia

Bogotá leads the measurement ranking by placing itself in first position in 9 of the 13 pillars of the IDC 2024. / Cristian Garavito

Photo: Cristian Garavito

The Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) and the Universidad del Rosario presented that Tuesday at a press conference in Barranquilla the results of the Departmental Competitiveness Index (IDC) 2024 for the 32 departments of the country.

It is worth mentioning that competitiveness in cities is an issue that is pursued in every government plan. Part of what defines it is everything that facilitates development, including issues such as access to health services, education and employment, among other areas.

Bogotá, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Atlántico and Risaralda lead the ranking while in the last positions are the departments of Chocó (29), Amazonas (30), Guainía (31), Vaupés (32) and Vichada (33).

“This version of the IDC is particularly important in the current situation, with the beginning of the new local administrations; “This is a useful diagnostic tool to outline the goals and objectives of your development plans,” said U. del Rosario.

Along these lines, Ana Fernanda Maiguashca, president of the Private Competitiveness Council, pointed out that “we believe that the IDC 2024 is a crucial input for the political situation. From the University of Rosario and the Private Competitiveness Council we make this exercise available to citizens, the private sector, academia, and local governments, in order to enrich the debate on the country’s major issues from a subnational approach. competitiveness”.

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For this version, some methodological changes were introduced. One of them was the adjustment made in the standardization method, which considers, for the calculation of the scores, “the maximum and minimum historical values ​​observed of the variables in a six-year time window. This modification allows the comparison of the results of the departments and the analysis of the evolution of their competitive performance over time,” explained the U. del Rosario.

One of the most important results of the measurement is the progress registered in the majority of the departments in their competitive performance, since 32 of the 33 territories evaluated presented an increase in their general score compared to the data observed in the 2019 measurement.

“Encouraging news regarding the development trends followed by the departments in the last six years, and the progress in closing regional gaps,” says the study.

The most significant advances in the increase in the annual average were observed in the departments of:

Caquetá 4.7%

Guainía 4.6%

San Andrés Archipelago 3.5%

However, some alarm signs were identified, such as the case of Putumayo, the only department that reduced its overall score between 2019 and 2024, with an average annual drop of 0.8%.

General results

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