100 industrial parks are projected by 2027

100 industrial parks are projected by 2027
100 industrial parks are projected by 2027

The Government of the Province of Córdoba announced the creation of the Provincial Board of Industrial Parks, a space that will articulate public-private dialogue and includes the representation of all Industrial Parks in the province. This ambitious project foresees the expansion of the network of parks from 60 to 100 by 2027, according to the Minister of Production, Science and Technological Innovation, Pedro Dellarossa.

The initiative highlights the provincial government’s commitment to a robust industrial and productive policy. Dellarossa highlighted the importance of two major challenges: “the execution of the necessary infrastructure in each of the parks; and two, ensure that they are filled with prosperous and sustainable industries. This hard work will allow us to attract more investments and, together with municipalities and the private sector, build more industrial parks throughout the province, increasing from 60 to 100 in the coming years.

Pedro Dellarossa, Minister of Production, Science and Technological Innovation. (Government of the Province of Córdoba)

The main purpose of the Provincial Industrial Parks Board is to coordinate and collaborate effectively between various areas of government and existing and future industrial parks. The minister has emphasized that this table will allow us to organize efforts and face the challenges that arise, based on dialogue as the key to growth and mutual understanding.

Leonardo Beccaria, vice president of the board and representative of the San Francisco Industrial Park, showed his enthusiasm for the creation of this inclusive space, which will encompass both the 60 current parks and the 40 projected. Furthermore, he highlighted that “this table was born based on the concerns of several industrial parks that were taken over by the Ministry of Production.”

During the event, the formation of the table was signed with the participation of representatives from nine industrial parks, which will be made up of Roger Palacios, representing the Malaga Industrial Estate Phase II, Cristian Martin, from the Polo 52 Industrial Park, Eduardo Pizzi, Mayor from the town of General Deheza, and representative of the Adrián P. Urquía Industrial Park.

The table is completed by Guillermo Cavigliasso, Mayor of the town of General Cabrera, representing the Industrial Park, Mayor Roberto D. Grosso, Víctor Pagani, President of the Civil Association of the Marcos Juárez Industrial Park, Carlos Pizzorno, President of the Industrial and Technological Park of Villa María SEM, Federico Hernán Bongiovanni, President of the Presidente Arturo Frondizi Industrial Park of Río Cuarto, Raúl Deinguidard, of the Córdoba Este Industrial Ecopark and Sergio Drucaroff, Executive Director of the Chamber of Foreign Commerce of Córdoba, and representative of the Industrial Park and Integral Center of Services for International Trade.

The announcement of the 100 Industrial Parks coincides with the celebration of Córdoba’s Science and Technology Day, on June 18, in honor of Alberto Maiztegui, an emblematic figure in the scientific field of the province.

This celebration reaffirmed Córdoba’s commitment to innovation and technological development, recognizing the need to face productive, social and environmental challenges through knowledge and research.

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