Deputies approved changes to the Knowledge Economy Regime

Deputies approved changes to the Knowledge Economy Regime
Deputies approved changes to the Knowledge Economy Regime

The Chamber of Deputies of Entre Ríos approved the modifications to the law that creates the Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy. The rule establishes incentives for companies in the sector, it was presented by the Executive Branch and thanks to the green light this Wednesday it achieved half a sanction.

What establishes the norm that Deputies approved

The initiative introduces changes to Law 10,895, by which National Law No. 27,506 was adhered to and the Provincial Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy (RePEC) was created. The modifications They aim to expand the base of beneficiaries and stimulate the sectorby means of the simplification of requirements to access tax benefits such as the exemption from the Gross Income Tax, Stamp Tax and Real Estate Tax.

Among other changes, The obligation to be previously registered in the national registry is eliminated so that a company can enter the provincial regime. The benefits are granted for five years, renewable for the same period under a series of conditions.

Bruno Sarubi (Together for Entre Ríos), president of the Finance, Budget and Accounts commission, said at the venue: “Last year alone, almost 500,000 people worked in this industry, which represents 7% of the work registered in the country. ”.

“Everything done is not enough, because in our country there are two big problems: bureaucracy and high tax pressure. A clear example of this is that in Entre Ríos only six companies have been able to access this regime. Therefore, one of the main objectives of this modification is to simplify administrative obstacles,” Sarubi said. “With this we are taking the piss out of those who produce, improving the conditions for those who invest and innovate in our province,” he added.

Stefania Cora (More for Entre Ríos) expressed the support of his block, but warned that “this type of initiatives, if they are not within the framework of integrated planning and coordination of the provincial and national government, it is very difficult for them to achieve real change and effectively the seat of these companies in the province.”



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