drunk drivers will pay out of pocket if they are treated in public hospitals

drunk drivers will pay out of pocket if they are treated in public hospitals
drunk drivers will pay out of pocket if they are treated in public hospitals

The Chamber of Deputies this Wednesday definitively approved the law that establishes that drivers in state of drunkenness that caused an accident They have to pay for their medical care if they are not treated in the public health system.

The project had been presented as part of the health reform package and stipulates the recovery of health benefits that have been provided in public hospitals. In other words, if after crashing or overturning, a drunk motorist is referred to a provincial State medical center, he will have to bear the costs out of his own pocket.

The objective of the standard is to recover “the cost that the violation of different regulations generates in the provincial public health system“.

To do this, it empowers the Ministry of Health and Sports “to the collection or recovery of health benefits that have been provided in the providers of the Public Health System for the benefit of the driver who, having incurred the prohibitions of article 52, paragraphs 7 and 8 of Law No. 9024, participates in or causes a traffic accident. transit in accordance with the responsibility established in this regard by the competent authority“.

This recovery will be made effective through the Reforsalhe Fund Recovery Entity for the Strengthening of the Mendoza Health System, created precisely to charge patients who are treated in public rooms, although they have social or prepaid work. The entity was part of the package of health laws that aimed to reform the system in the face of the impact of the economic crisis.

The standard was approved amid a series of road accidents where drivers who had a high blood alcohol level were detected. In some cases, which have unleashed tragedies, such as the one that occurred in the South Access – where a police officer and a preventer were run over and killed in a traffic control on Friday, May 3; others, who have died as a result of their condition and, thirdly, an increase in road controls where only last weekend seven people were detected breaking the law.

The Road Safety Law, in its sections 7 and 8, indicate the prohibitions on driving under the influence of alcohol outside the limits established for the driving of automobiles, bicycles with or without motor, motorcycles or mopeds and transportation of passengers and vehicles. cargo, as well as under the effects of psychotropics, narcotics, stimulants or other similar substances, which will include, in any case, medications or other substances under the effect of which the physical or mental state appropriate for safe circulation is altered.

According to the foundation, in terms of traffic accidents, 1 in every 4 deaths is linked “with the violation of the prohibition of driving vehicles under the influence of alcohol or narcotic intoxication, to which must be added the victims who are injured”.

It was also considered that “The public Health System must face the consequences of behaviors that violate rules, which cause serious harm to the community and people, detracting resources that could be allocated to those who maintain a conduct of social coexistence and compliance with the law that does not deserve reproaches“.

With the final sanction, now all that is missing is regulation by the Executive.

But it is not the only rule on drunk drivers that the Government has in the Legislature. One of them, presented by the Minister of Security Mercedes Rus, disqualifies motorists from driving with more than 1 gram of alcohol in their blood. The other proposes aggravating the penalties for recidivism and damages caused by these crimes.

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