The situation of the carribares after their relocation – Paralelo32

The situation of the carribares after their relocation – Paralelo32
The situation of the carribares after their relocation – Paralelo32

Victory.- Located in the Costanera Pedro Radio area, on one of the interior streets close to the square, since the beginning of this administration the owners of 8 carts have moved there. Some sell hamburgers, others bet on hot dogs and potato cones; There are also those that offer fried cakes, homemade breads, bagels, etc.

In this variety of ‘on the go’ proposals there are Victorians promoting them, a sacrificial work with which they support up to three families from this commercialization, for all this, Parallel 32 He wanted to know how this new location has impacted their sales and the costs of, for example, having an energy generator to provide light in the sector where each one is located.

Ángel García is one of those workers who, together with his mother and an assistant, drive the car identified as ‘Super-mega-pancho’, an invitation for the young people who leave the bowling alley or the occasional tourists who travel along the coast, his more relevant clientele, so he anticipated us. “During the week we work until midnight and on weekends until 7 in the morning, more than anything to wait for the kids who come out of the bowling alley, we hold them back.”

The relocation was somewhat detrimental for them, according to García, “sales dropped considerably, because previously we were located near the exits of the clubs, which favored consumption; and now that winter is approaching the impact will be even greater, since few will choose to go to where we are for a hot dog.”

— Under what conditions was this transfer carried out to place them all there?

— “They promised us electricity, water, bathrooms, and the only thing they fulfilled was the water. And after several efforts we managed to get them to lend us the keys to the bathrooms that are a few meters away. Because of the light we have had no response; Beyond this, we are concerned about the dry branches that fall from the trees, and that can not only impact the structures of the cars, but also the people who come to buy from us.”

The interviewee added that “we tried to hold meetings with the Mayor and other officials, but they do not listen to us or give us answers.”

— And regarding the ‘candle zone’, were you not offered the possibility of moving there?

— “Yes, they offered to go there too, but it would be even worse for sales, since it is not even on the way and it takes us further away from where the people are.

When we asked him how much a super-hot dog costs, Angel explained that it costs 1,300 pesos in most carts, and a cone of chips is around 1,500/1,800 pesos. “We are not allowed to sell alcohol, but we do offer flavored water or cans of soda. And we put together promos, for example: two hot dogs and a flavored one for 3,500 pesos, among other ‘combos’.”

High temperatures or the harshest cold, the carribars continue to offer their combos to people. It is common to see them after 10:00 p.m., with one or two tables occupied, being an option for those who cannot or do not want to pay for a more expensive service, or inside a room. “Whether it’s hot or cold, we’re there. Today what continues to complicate us are the mosquitoes, the sun is setting and it is impressive how they come.”

García studies Agroecology but while he is studying this training in the city, his main income is in his cart. Together with his mother and a girl who helps them, they serve the clientele described: young people coming out of the bowling alley and tourists, mostly. “It’s enough for us to live on, and I think this is the reality for most of us who are there, it is our main source of income.” He adds that “What represents the most fixed cost for us is the fuel for the generators. For us, having it running from 11:00 in the morning until 5 in the morning requires between ten and fifteen liters, and sometimes we arrive with just enough to cover everything.”

The carts represent an alternative to the crisis for many families, a real income, and although they should tend towards greater control, approval and other issues that make a ‘flavor walk’ receive another boost and accompaniment, it is about Victorians that they try. Some study a technical degree like Ángel, others help their parents, and together they do the best they can with what they have. Parallel 32 set its sights there, a place where tourism goes, and many of our children when they leave the bowling alley. It is not a minor fact and to be scheduled and why not accompany us to improve every day.

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