Road Rehabilitation in Casanare: Commitment and Action

The Administration led by César Ortiz Zorro, through Disaster Risk Management and the Infrastructure Secretariat, has undertaken crucial work to improve connectivity in the department of Casanare. Two projects stand out in this initiative: the rehabilitation of the Alto Lindo road in Aguazul and the recovery of the alternate road corridor between Paz de Ariporo and Sácama.

Alto Lindo: Two Years of Incommunication

In the municipality of Aguazul, the Alto Lindo village suffered devastation in 2022 due to a large landslide. For two years, the farmers who live in this area faced enormous difficulties moving to and from their homes. The landslide covered several hectares, leaving the community practically cut off.

Governor César Ortiz Zorro, aware of the urgency, has arranged machinery to intervene and rehabilitate access. To date, 2.5 km of the almost 7 km affected road section have been recovered. This action represents a relief for families who have struggled with adversity for so long.

Loss of Banking on the Road to Barro Negro

Simultaneously, work is being done on the recovery of the alternative route between Paz de Ariporo and Sácama. A landslide in the jurisdiction of Teislandia caused the bench to collapse, seriously affecting mobility in the region. The yellow machinery assigned to this task is in action, rehabilitating the section.

This intervention not only benefits the communities of Llano de Pérez, Teislandia and the Barro Negro Indigenous Reservation, but also serves as an alternate passage between the two aforementioned municipalities.

These actions reflect the commitment and responsibility of the departmental government in the timely response to emergencies. Mobility and connectivity, especially in the rural areas of Casanare, are fundamental priorities to guarantee the well-being of the community.


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