After protests, Magdalena communities reach agreements with the Petro Government for peace

After protests, Magdalena communities reach agreements with the Petro Government for peace
After protests, Magdalena communities reach agreements with the Petro Government for peace

Through the mediation of the Ombudsman’s Office, rural and peasant communities of the Guachaca district, in Magdalena, managed to sign agreements with national entities. These communities used social protest to demand peace in the face of the escalation of violence caused by clashes between the Self-Defense Forces of the Sierra Nevada (ACSN) and the Public Force.

The communities and social organizations formed the “civic community strike for peace and peaceful march in the district of Guachaca.” The mobilization began in the Mendihuaca village and culminated at the entrance to the Tayrona National Natural Park, where nearly 5,000 people gathered from the different villages of the Trocal del Caribe and the Sierra Nevada.

Officials from the Magdalena Regional Ombudsman’s Office accompanied the social protest, which took place between June 11 and 13, and facilitated dialogue between communities and government entities. Read also: Ombudsman requests urgent attention from the State to communities in the Sierra Nevada

“Among the agreements, it is worth highlighting the request to establish dialogue tables between the national government and the Conquering Self-Defense Forces of the Sierra Nevada and they demanded a cessation of operations by the Public Force in the territory due to the latent fear of being caught in the crossfire.” , mentions the Ombudsman’s Office.

And they added: “Other agreements were the management of a meeting with the High Commissioner for Peace, the holding of a social dialogue table on June 22 and the sending of a letter to the Ministries of the Interior and Defense to comply with the principle of distinction within the framework of the operations carried out by the Public Force.” You may be interested in: They deliver aid to the Wiwa population confined in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada

Likewise, the Ombudsman’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office will have a space to review cases in which deficiencies or violations of human rights have occurred within the framework of the operations carried out by the Public Force and a preparatory meeting will be held led by the High Councilor for Peace of the District of Santa Marta, in order to begin the construction of an agenda that allows the social dialogue table to be held.

Finally, the Human Rights Directorate undertook to convey to the Presidential Advisor for Human Rights the community’s request to remind territorial and national entities of the presidential directive that promotes non-stigmatization and guarantees for the exercise of social leadership. .


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