SENA graduates will be able to approve subjects to become professional at Usco

SENA graduates will be able to approve subjects to become professional at Usco
SENA graduates will be able to approve subjects to become professional at Usco

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The scope is part of an inter-administrative agreement between the Universidad Surcolombiana and the SENA Regional Huila, for the strengthening of both institutions.

If you are a graduate of SENA at a technological level, and want to carry out a professional training process, now you can do it at the Universidad Surcolombiana, and all thanks to a cooperation agreement, which allows the parties to combine technical, administrative and financial efforts to strengthen their institutional capacities and contribute to regional development.

The document signed this Tuesday between the Rector of the Surcolombiana University, Nidia Guzmán Durán, and the Director of SENA, Adriana Milena Gasca, will allow graduates of the National Learning Service to access the different undergraduate degrees offered by the higher education institution, through the approval process according to University policies.

Other benefits
In addition to promoting training, the agreement points to other institutional lines, such as strengthening employment, entrepreneurship, research and innovation, as well as social projection.

In this sense, the agreement will promote the transfer of knowledge, good practices and technologies that contribute to training, pedagogical and curricular processes; to the development and certification of labor skills; to the system of research, innovation, technological development and knowledge management, in order to strengthen comprehensive vocational training and higher education.

In terms of entrepreneurship, both institutions will ensure the consolidation of the culture of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and the employment relationship of graduates from SENA and the Universidad Surcolombiana, in both institutions. In this sense, SENA apprentices will be able to access job offers at USCO, in the productive stage in the form of internships, and students from the Universidad Surcolombiana will be able to carry out their work, professional, pedagogical, social, teaching, internships, internships, judiciaries and/or social service in the SENA.

A bet on regional development
The Rector of the Universidad Surcolombiana, Nidia Guzmán Durán, stated that “this agreement is very important because we are going to make an alliance where SENA students can come to the university and have their entire training process. This is actually very significant for the community at large; They are two official institutions that we come together and we are going to work in common agreement to benefit the students and the entire South Colombian region.”

For her part, Regional Director of SENA Huila, Adriana Milena Gasca Cardoso, highlighted the importance of this agreement by pointing out that “”it is a milestone for the region and the department, because 20 years ago we were trying to join forces and be able to articulate these two institutions. It has four major scopes: creating a chain in training topics, so that our graduates can enter university; the process of research, innovation, knowledge transfer and others, as well as innovation and technology. “Everything that relates to entrepreneurship and facilitating internships for university students and our apprentices.”

With this agreement, both institutions will also contribute to the fulfillment of one of the goals of the National Development Plan in terms of education, such as expanding coverage; as well as development and well-being for the entire Huila community.

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