The 26 from Sancti Spiritus is “touching” the national highway › Cuba › Granma

Sancti Spíritus.–I wish there were conditions (material, financial, technological, resources…) to give the most damaged sections of the national highway and other roads of high value for the country, the turnaround for which they have been clamoring for years, for the sake of road safety for everyone who travels on them.

Far from what the territory would like, but very welcome, improvement work has just taken off from the bridge located in the Punta de Diamante area, kilometer 323, heading east, in the municipality of Cabaiguán.

With the location of the first 290 tons of asphalt, the plant located in the provincial capital began to productively celebrate the 71st anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks, whose central celebrations Cuba will celebrate, precisely, in this plant territory.

According to statements by Jesús Pérez Sánchez, head of the plant, the first works have flowed without difficulty, while the base business unit is technologically, humanly and organizationally capable of continuing to promote this task, which should total around 3,000 tons over about ten kilometers.

In a direct visit to the site, Granma was able to see motivation in the members of the paving brigade, who, despite the hot sun, could place and compact 300 tons in a day, if the electrical service allowed the plant to produce that volume. according to Héctor Hernández Castro, head of the group.

Meanwhile, the UEB is preparing the technique to undertake, in the coming days, similar work in the so-called industrial zone, the road that leads from Sancti Spíritus to the town of Zaza del Medio.

In the context of the celebration of the National Rebellion Day, and always depending on the specific situation of the territory, some streets and arteries within the urban perimeter could be benefited, as well as continuity of the effort unleashed to celebrate the 510 years of the foundation of the town, on June 4.

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