Government of Valle del Cauca moves to Buenaventura, for three days the District will receive the institutional offer –

The Government of Valle del Cauca is decentralized and all its institutional offerings will reach the people of Buenos Aires directly this June 20, 21 and 22. Governor Dilian Francisca Toro and her work team travel to the main port of the Colombian Pacific to meet with the community and representatives of the different sectors to talk about their needs and how to solve them in an articulated effort.

“The departmental government headed by Governor Dilian Francisca Toro will be in Buenaventura on Thursday, Friday and Saturday doing several exercises, the first of which will be a participatory space with the community; Secondly, we will carry out visits to the territory so that people know the projects and programs that we have to offer them, and thirdly, the Governor will meet with different sectors with whom she will talk about the ‘Leadership that Transforms’ development plan,” explained the Secretary General of the Interior, Liza Rodríguez.

Strengthening security in the territory, in education and economic development are part of the agenda that will be fulfilled in Buenaventura. The president will chair a Government Council with the departmental cabinet to evaluate the progress of programs and projects that have been carried out for six months in the port.

Edwin Camilo Reina from Buenos Aires highlighted the decentralization of the departmental Government and assured that “it seems very good to me since we know that Buenaventura has been left aside because people think that there is not enough development, so when the Government comes we “It helps people who have their businesses and that seems very important to me.”

In addition, the Governor will visit community kitchens, educational institutions and the Juan XXIII neighborhood where there will be a display of the institutional offering.

“I want to thank the Governor for bringing all the institutions to the Juan XXIII neighborhood on Saturday, from the Personería we will be providing support in everything that has to do with the victims, this is a day with which we want the institutions to go to the territories and the communities,” said Carlos Yepes, District Representative.


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