Article: Vice President of Cuba attended the inauguration of the President of South Africa

Article: Vice President of Cuba attended the inauguration of the President of South Africa
Article: Vice President of Cuba attended the inauguration of the President of South Africa

Re-elected President Cyril Ramaphosa takes office in South Africa (+Photo)

Pretoria, June 19 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the African National Congress (ANC, South Africa’s main party), Cyril Ramaphosa, today took office as President of the country after being re-elected in the general elections held on May 29.

The investiture ceremony, held in the capital’s Presidential Palace (Union Building), was attended by, among other dignitaries, the vice president of Cuba, Salvador Valdés Mesa; the presidents of Namibia and Tanzania, Nangolo Mbumba, and Samia Suluhu Hassan, respectively.

Likewise, King Mswati III of Swaziland, President Philip Jacinto Nyusi, of Mozambique, and Emmerson Mnangagwa, of Zimbabwe.

After being sworn in as head of the nation for a second term for the next five years, the South African president recalled how, upon entering “another era of national life,” the people have chosen peace and democracy instead of violent methods. , undemocratic and unconstitutional.

In the past elections, he added, South Africans did not give any party the full mandate to govern the nation alone, instead, he maintained, “they have asked us to work together to address their difficult situation and realize their aspirations.”

As leaders of this diverse nation, Ramaphosa stressed, we respect the results of the elections and therefore have a sacred duty to unite the people of South Africa.

The popular will, he stressed, was heard and will be followed without any doubt or question.

As President of the Republic, he said, I will work with all political parties and sectors that are willing to contribute to finding solutions to the challenges facing the country in the transition “towards a new decade of freedom.”

In this way, the president emphasized, the new administration united under a Government of National Unity reaffirms the determined will to build a growing and inclusive economy that offers opportunities and livelihoods to all people.

In this task of democratic renewal and social and economic transformation, he maintained, no one will be left behind.

Today, Ramaphosa highlighted, since economic and social inequalities persist in the country, this is a moment of fundamental consequences in national life, in which “we must choose between moving forward together or risk losing everything we have built over the last few years.” 30 years.”

We cannot delay, nor rest, he added, until we have created jobs for those who need them; that there is enough food on each table; that every person in every town, city, village and farm receives the basic services necessary for a dignified life.

Also, Ramaphosa emphasized, until those who steal from the people are held accountable.

On the 14th, Parliament re-elected Ramaphosa, leader of the nation’s main party, the ANC, as President of the country.

The selection of Ramaphosa as President was the result of an agreement to form a Government of National Unity (GUN) reached between several parties, mainly the ANC, which obtained 159 of the 400 seats in the National Assembly, and the conservative DA, which occupies 59 seating.

Previously, the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), which has 17 parliamentarians, had expressed its willingness to join the GUN alongside the ANC.

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