Radicals from Río Negro do not want their party “mimicked” with JSRN and form a new internal line

In the same way as at the national level, radicalism has a strong internal debate in Río Negro. And within that scenario, in the last hours a new group was consolidated, which will seek to position the party at a point further away from the provincial ruling party.

“The UCR has lost its historical identity, blending in with the ruling party and abandoning the principles and values ​​that have been the founding basis since its creation. transforming our party into a shameful dependence on the ruling party”maintains the document issued by “Radical Conduct.”

The space began to take shape several weeks ago and its leaders met over the weekend at Choele Choel to define the next steps within the internal process.

“The objective is to recover the initiative in the political debate, thinking and acting in defense of the interests of the people of Rio Negro. and not of the personal interests of those who negotiate with the positions as currency”, they said.

In that sense, they proposed “recovering all institutional spaces where radical representation is necessary, to maintain the democratic system, ethical values ​​and republican principles of government.”

In this first meeting, party leaders and authorities from different localities met, among them the heads of the sectional committees of Viedma (Genoveva Molinari), Villa Regina (Tamara Del Río), Cinco Saltos (Daniel Calcaterra), Choele Choel (Lorena Sarasola ), provincial legislator Claudio Doctorovich, former legislator Oscar Machado, as well as leaders from Roca, Lamarque, Chimpay, Río Colorado, Conesa, Darwin, and Cipolletti.

“This new Rio Negro radicalism began to take shape, understanding that Ethics and honesty are preached by example. That example is absent in the political leadership in general and in the leading leadership of the UCR in particular. We consider that it is time to promote the necessary modifications and encourage citizen and party participation,” they highlighted in the document after the meeting.

The sector highlighted that “political parties are the basis of the democratic system” and “from this space we seek to build a more just, equitable and prosperous society for the people of Rio Negro.”

“That is why we convene and call on members to work for a leading UCR,” they stated.

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