The Polish YouTuber will not be able to return to the country for three years and had to donate his camera to the firefighters

The Polish YouTuber will not be able to return to the country for three years and had to donate his camera to the firefighters
The Polish YouTuber will not be able to return to the country for three years and had to donate his camera to the firefighters

The Polish influencer Marcin Banot who climbed more than 20 floors in a building in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Puerto Madero has forbidden enter the country for three years and donated his GoPro camera to the City Government Fire Department.

Sources from the City’s Public Prosecutor’s Office revealed to the press that the 36-year-old YouTuber, accused of the crime of trespassing, He must broadcast on his YouTube channel and on his Instagram account a public apology for the illegal act committed (the content of which will be agreed upon with the Buenos Aires MPF).

In this sense, as guidelines for conduct, the East Flagrancy Unit also established that Banot must establish residence and submit to the examination and summons of the Department of Control of Suspension of Probationary Process of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the City.

On the other hand, the plaintiff rejected the offer of $100 that had been made as compensation for the damage. Furthermore, the YouTuber abandons in favor of the State 2 memories where the events were recorded through his camera.

The Criminal, Misdemeanor and Misdemeanor Court No. 10, headed by Judge Pablo Casas, approved the agreement.

The Polish climber must pay the costs of the rescue operation

Marcin Banot was arrested after climbing the structure at 2000 Della Paolera Street a week ago. and, according to what they told this media, they will charge him the costs of the operation, they will apply a fine and they will sentence him to community service.

The Pole arrived in Argentina on Friday, June 7, when he made a first attempt to climb a building, which was thwarted by private security guards.

At the same time, on his social networks the man shows himself while traveling the world and doing this type of activities, which demonstrate enormous danger.

Some buildings that the Pole climbed are the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Shard Tower in London, the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw and the Flagship Tower in Monterrey, Mexico.


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