Inspections of businesses, in accordance with the Law: State Civil Protection – El Sol de San Luis

Inspections of businesses, in accordance with the Law: State Civil Protection – El Sol de San Luis
Inspections of businesses, in accordance with the Law: State Civil Protection – El Sol de San Luis

Inspections of nightclubs in the capital have been reinforced, in order to verify that establishments – of any type – comply with the Law.

This was reported to The Sun of San Luis the holder of the State Coordination of Civil ProtectionMauricio Ordaz Flores, who spoke about the measures taken to prevent corruption when inspectors review establishments.

Regarding inspections, he specified, “by instructions from the governor, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, they are being reinforced, in order to check that establishments of any kind comply with the regulations established in the Law of the State Civil Protection System”.

The state official assured that the inspections are carried out all year round and strict control is maintained on the personnel who carry them out, since they work daily with work cells, who keep a list of businesses to inspect, which is controlled by the legal area“this way we prevent them from going to other places or from discussing acts of corruption by the inspectors.”

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He highlighted the delivery of vehicles and material to the agency in his charge by the state president, who in turn warned that “the Civil Protection policy should not be conducted with random criteria.”

The above is due to the magnitude of the damage, which is increasingly caused by natural disastershe said, enhanced by the phenomenon of climate change“this urges us to have a true culture of prevention, which starts from having trained, equipped personnel, and with sufficient supplies to allow us to face any contingency.”

“In the face of natural disasters there is no possibility of error,” said Gallardo Cardona, who insisted that the phenomenon of climate change has meant that, increasingly, natural phenomena are more intense and with a magnitude of more severe damage.

Finally he referred to the recent fire season “in which several hectares of the Potosí territory were damaged by fire, but which, however, was a contingency to which we responded quickly and effectively; Civil Protection requires the ability to anticipate risks or threats of any origin,” he concluded.

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