Amazon beats Monarchs

Amazon beats Monarchs
Amazon beats Monarchs

Ángel Domínguez/EL VIGÍA
[email protected] | Ensenada, BC

Amazonas scored nine runs in the top of the second inning, six in the third and eight in the fourth to beat Monarcas 23-6 at the start of the Segunda Fuerza “A” playoff series.
The day corresponding to the 2024 Official Tournament of the Ensenada Municipal Women’s Softball League, called Fernanda Higuera Quintana and Erika Gutiérrez Boullosa, took place on Tuesday night at the José “Prieto” Soto field.
Nancy Gutiérrez achieved victory by going the entire way, with seven hits, six runs, walked three, gave three chocolates and her teammates made three errors. Emily Gárate lost.
With the hitter they shined: Nancy Gutiérrez 4-4 with three triples and six RBIs, Dinora Ruiz 4-4, Sayuri Ruiz 3-3, Jaquelin Valdez 2-2 and Keith Ramos 5-4.
The Monarcas players who stood out were Nicole Carmona 2-2, Claudia Rodarte and Berenice Aripez 1-1.
In the continuation of the actions of Second Force “B2”, Pink Panthers unleashed a furious 21-score attack at the close of the second chapter to beat Warriors Sports 23-13.
To win, Nohemí Pimentel allowed three hits, 13 runs, handed out six free walks, hit two pitches, struck out three and her team committed seven fouls.
The defeated Karen Bautista received seven hits into no man’s land, scored 23 runs, signed 11 walks, fanned three rivals and her defense played with 11 errors.
The most active with the bat were Melissa Ochoa 4-3, Fernanda Hernández 3-2 and Karen Avilés 1-1.
The “Guerreras” who hit uncatchable were Ana Karen Hernández 1-1, Sofía Galaviz 2-1 and Janetzy Nieto 3-1.

Umpires: Noé “Wandy” Fernández and Antonio “Huevo” Castro
Announcer and official scorer: José Alberto Flores Moreno

Campo José “Prieto” Soto
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Second Force “B1”
18:30 Hours Extinguishers of the North “B” vs Desalmadas
Ball Put
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Sunday June 23
Second Force “B2”
9:00 Hours Monster vs Warriors
First game in the First Special Final series
11:00 Hours La Cali vs Extinguidores del Norte
Second Force “C”
1:00 p.m. Extinguishers of the North “C” vs. Sonido Baja Jr.
Ball Put
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Second game of the Segunda Fuerza “A” playoff series
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Tuesday June 25
Second Force “B2”
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20:30 Hours (0) Monarchs vs (1) Amazons


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