Man strangled cat to death in front of his children in the middle of an FIV episode in Bío Bío | National

Man strangled cat to death in front of his children in the middle of an FIV episode in Bío Bío | National
Man strangled cat to death in front of his children in the middle of an FIV episode in Bío Bío | National

A man strangled and killed a cat in the middle of an episode of domestic violence (VIF) in Los Angeles, Bío Bío region.

The 39-year-old defendant, nicknamed El Rasta, He was detained by the police after his partner requested help from Carabineros.

All because he began to insult her after drinking alcohol while she was preparing a barbecue at the family home in the Chacayal sector.

According to Radio Bío Bío ne la Zona, the couple’s eldest son, to prevent the episode of violence from continuing to escalate, He asked his mother that they better leave the house.

However, with this the father became even more upset and He took the cat, which was his 6-year-old daughter’s pet, and in the presence of all the children he began to strangle it to death.

When the Carabineros patrol arrived at the house, the animal was lying dead and proceeded to arrest the perpetrator of this crime.

The deputy prosecutor, Alejandra Yáñez, formalized an investigation against the accused for animal abuse and also invoked the new law 21,675 that provides “measures to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women, based on their gender.”

The Guarantee Court of Los Angeles He imposed a precautionary measure on him to leave his home in Chacayal.

Likewise, the Prosecutor’s Office requested that the background of the case be sent to the Family Court so that the application of possible protection measures for the children and the wife of the accused could be evaluated.

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