Launch of “Mission Cauca” announced

During the commemoration ceremony for the 59 years of the Ministry of National Defense, the head of said ministry, Iván Velásquez, made reference to the launch of the “Cauca Mission.”

Minister Velásquez revealed that at the end of this week the ‘Cauca Mission’ will be launched, an effort by the entity he heads, which aims to make the process of transformation of the territory a reality with the help of several ministerial portfolios. and different government entities.

With this initiative, the ministry he leads seeks to strengthen the presence of the State in this department, which has been hit hard in recent weeks by violence.

The official indicated that “this is not foreign to the Ministry of Defense. “Missions like this that we project for Cauca, because we have from our nature, from our characteristics, from our reason for being, all the strength, elements and authority, to be able to generate those spaces of transformation in the social but with safety,” warned the representative. of the National Government.

Great march

On the other hand, various sectors of Popayán and the department of Cauca called for a march against terrorist acts in this region for next Thursday, June 27.

The secretary of the Office with functions of chief of staff, Carlos Horacio Gómez, said that the activity also has the purpose of demanding that the National Government take action on this matter in a forceful manner to provide this region of the country with the security that by It has been elusive for so long and that in recent days it has been violated in an excessive manner.

Gómez indicated that the march will have two gathering sites, one to the north and the other to the south of the city of Popayán. The idea is that they leave simultaneously until they reach the final destination, which will be the Arcada de la Herrería, where a political event and another artistic and cultural event are scheduled.

The official explained that “in the political event we intend to make known a manifesto through which we reject what happened, we will call for peace, life, harmony, and we will demand from the National Government and the Colombian State in general a dignified treatment consistent with that deserved by the department of Cauca, its capital Popayán and all its communities.”


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